GEOS Simulation Framework
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[Docs] examples have drifted over time #2082

Closed Infinoid closed 1 year ago

Infinoid commented 1 year ago

What needs to be documented?

It seems the input files have been changing over time, and the documentation no longer matches.

What are the deficiencies of the existing documentation?

In the documentation under Basic Examples, the CO₂ Injection example includes some XML. Beneath the quoted block, the text is describing fields which are no longer present in the XML.

The Multiphase flow and well solvers section includes this text:

The flow solver definition includes a list of names to point to fluid constitutive data through fluidNames, solid constitutive data through solidNames, permeability data through permeabilityNames and relative permeability constitutive data through relPermNames attributes.

This made good sense of the data as it existed back when it was written. However, it doesn't make any sense when looking at the current data. None of the mentioned fields are present in the quoted XML.

And I think in the next paragraph, where it describes the WellControls subtag, targetRate may have been renamed to targetTotalRate?

Sorry this is not an exhaustive list. I was just reading this, got confused and wanted to make a note of it.

Infinoid commented 1 year ago

The first Multiphase flow solver example has the same problem. It says the fluidNames, solidNames, permeabilityNames, relPermNames attributes must be listed, yet they are not included in the quoted XML below.