GEOS Simulation Framework
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Multiphase Flow with Wells example from Basic Examples does not work #2707

Closed paveltomin closed 1 year ago

paveltomin commented 1 year ago

Trying to run this example using develop (sha1: 0eb9b90c2) and it does not run properly:

(base) [ptls@lxsphou0099 Egg]$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 /data/rpo_ptls/GEOSX/residual_flash/GEOS/GEOS/build-CPU-OPTO2-Hypre-GCC_10.2.0-ompi_hpcx-OMP-relwithdebinfo/bin/geosx -i deadOilEgg_base_iterative.xml 
Num ranks: 1
Max threads: 1
GEOSX version: 0.2.0 (develop, sha1: 0eb9b90c2)
  - c++ compiler: gcc 10.4.0
  - openmp version: 201511
  - MPI version: Open MPI v4.1.5rc2, package: Open MPI root@hpc-kernel-03 Distribution, ident: 4.1.5rc2, repo rev: v4.1.5rc1-16-g5980bac633, Unreleased developer copy
  - HDF5 version: 1.12.1
  - Conduit version: 0.8.2
  - VTK version: 9.2.6
  - RAJA version: 2023.6.1
  - umpire version: 2023.6.0
  -  adiak version: ..
  - caliper version: 2.10.0
  - METIS version: 5.1.0
  - PARAMETIS version: 4.0.3
  - scotch version: 7.0.3
  - superlu_dist version: 6.3.0
  - suitesparse version: 5.7.9
  - Python3 version: 3.10.9
  - hypre release version: 2.29.0
Started at 2023-09-25 17:21:55.718685827
Adding Solver of type CompositionalMultiphaseReservoir, named coupledFlowAndWells
Adding Solver of type CompositionalMultiphaseFVM, named compositionalMultiphaseFlow
Adding Solver of type CompositionalMultiphaseWell, named compositionalMultiphaseWell
Adding Event: PeriodicEvent, vtk
Adding Event: PeriodicEvent, timeHistoryOutput1
Adding Event: PeriodicEvent, timeHistoryOutput2
Adding Event: PeriodicEvent, timeHistoryOutput3
Adding Event: PeriodicEvent, timeHistoryOutput4
Adding Event: PeriodicEvent, solverApplications
Adding Event: PeriodicEvent, timeHistoryCollection1
Adding Event: PeriodicEvent, timeHistoryCollection2
Adding Event: PeriodicEvent, timeHistoryCollection3
Adding Event: PeriodicEvent, timeHistoryCollection4
Adding Event: PeriodicEvent, restarts
Adding Output: VTK, vtkOutput
Adding Output: TimeHistory, timeHistoryOutput1
Adding Output: TimeHistory, timeHistoryOutput2
Adding Output: TimeHistory, timeHistoryOutput3
Adding Output: TimeHistory, timeHistoryOutput4
Adding Output: Restart, restartOutput

***** LOCATION: /data/rpo_ptls/GEOSX/residual_flash/GEOS/GEOS/src/coreComponents/mesh/ElementRegionBase.cpp:80
***** Controlling expression (should be false): !meshBodyFound
***** Rank 0: There are multiple MeshBodies in this problem, but the specified MeshBody name  was not found

** StackTrace of 5 frames **
Frame 0: geos::ProblemManager::parseXMLDocument(geos::xmlWrapper::xmlDocument&) 
Frame 1: geos::ProblemManager::parseInputFile() 
Frame 2: geos::GeosxState::initializeDataRepository() 
Frame 3: main 
Frame 4: __libc_start_main 
Frame 5: /data/rpo_ptls/GEOSX/residual_flash/GEOS/GEOS/build-CPU-OPTO2-Hypre-GCC_10.2.0-ompi_hpcx-OMP-relwithdebinfo/bin/geosx 

Same problem happens for

paveltomin commented 1 year ago

I guess the description simply points to the wrong file. One should run deadOilEgg_benchmark.xml or deadOilEgg_smoke_3d.xml, not deadOilEgg_base_iterative.xml. The error message also does not help to understand the problem.