GEOS Earth System Model Atmospheric Data Assimilation (ADAS) Fixture
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Troubled gcm_quickplot.csh #78

Open rtodling opened 3 years ago

rtodling commented 3 years ago

We talked about this a long time ago: the GEOSUtil/plot programs cannot point to the src, they must be installed.

Presently, the program gcm_quickplot.csh that falls under the monthly_plots directory has the following command line for quickplot:

$GEOSUTIL/plots/quickplot $PLOT_COMMAND

where the peanut gcm_plotX.j jobs define GEOSUTIL as

setenv GEOSUTIL /discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/advda/rtodling/4OPS/dasGit5271p2/GEOSadas/src

The above seems to be an incorrect definition of GEOSUTIL

in this context the correct path would be:

setenv GEOSUTIL /discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/advda/rtodling/4OPS/dasGit5271p2/GEOSadas/install/plots

but this would break in a CVS checkout version of ADAS.

There is some entanglement here that I think the model group may already have stumbled and have fixes for ...

mathomp4 commented 3 years ago

I think this is one place CVS and Git just differ. There are a few places if you compare Git and CVS that things like this have different code due to the difference in GNU Make to CMake.

In Git land (even in the ADAS tag), you'll see in gcm_plot.tmpl:

setenv GEOSUTIL         @GEOSSRC

In CVS land, this is:

setenv GEOSUTIL         @GEOSSRC/GMAO_Shared/GEOS_Util

Now, in Git's gcm_setup script:

setenv GEOSBIN  ${GEOSDIR}/bin
setenv GEOSETC  ${GEOSDIR}/etc

and GEOSDIR essentially evaluates to the GEOSgcm/install directory. It's based of GEOSDEF which is set as the parent dir of where the gcm_setup dir is being called from:

set BINDIR   = `dirname $GCMSETUP`
set GEOSDEF  = `dirname $BINDIR`

(I probably could have/should have cleaned this up, but at the time I was looking at the smallest changes to gcm_setup rather than a full rewrite.)

My guess is whatever bits of the ADAS do the templating of the gcm_plot scripts need to do the same thing. Essentially any place that used to point to:


would need to point to the install directory, a la:


My guess is @bena-nasa and I never got to the point where plots were made in the GEOSadas as we just run Joe's test suites (which probably don't plot??) so we never hit this. I know in fvsetup we did change a:

  setenv GEOSUTIL \$FVROOT/../src/GMAO_Shared/GEOS_Util



so that:

  source .quickplotrc

would work. (Though maybe configure needs updates as well...)

rtodling commented 3 years ago

The root of the problem is not in fvsetup or any of the main DAS scripts. The problem is in the scripts that job developed for wrapping Larry's implementation. And indeed, it is as you say, if you don't run the plot opts via Joe's scripts you'll not see the issue.

The best person to get this to work is Joe - your tips about are helpful to allow for a fix to be put in place.

gmao-jstassi commented 3 years ago

Ricardo, I see the problem. I will have an update for you soon.