revise setting for 305 AIRS set off; and set 305 and edit icld setting accordingly.
This whole thing w/ 305 and icld makes me realize that we've been doing this incorrectly (for IR) for a while. I think we will need to revisit this and implement things using the icld db component to take care of all IR channels not being used. I have the impression that we've been using undesirable channels in the cloud detection.
revise setting for 305 AIRS set off; and set 305 and edit icld setting accordingly.
This whole thing w/ 305 and icld makes me realize that we've been doing this incorrectly (for IR) for a while. I think we will need to revisit this and implement things using the icld db component to take care of all IR channels not being used. I have the impression that we've been using undesirable channels in the cloud detection.
To be continued in another PR.