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Running StandAlone_DynAdvCore.x with/without Restart File #17

Closed JulesKouatchou closed 5 years ago

JulesKouatchou commented 5 years ago

I am trying to run StandAlone_DynAdvCore.x at C90 but it requires restart file (fvcore_internal_rst). I am wondering where I can find one or if there is an option to run without it.

I want to use my run to generate synthetic data so that I could test AdvCore in a standalone mode.

kgerheiser commented 5 years ago

fvcore_internal_rst is one of the restart files required to run the agcm, and is produced by running the model.

You can also run (located in the build /bin) to take a MERRA2 run for a particular date and it will output restart files at your desired resolution.

Or you if you just want an fvcore_internal_rst @mathomp4 has some pre-made restarts at various resolutions and for different versions of the model for the date 2000-04-14 at /discover/nobackup/mathomp4/Restarts-J10/nc4/Reynolds/c90

tclune commented 5 years ago

@wmputman has indicated a desire to enable the standalone to run without a checkpoint.

I have opened a ticket in in the FV repo:

I'm closing this ticket, as @kgerheiser has answered @JulesKouatchou original question.