Current algorithm in fv_grid_tools.F90 requires use of globally sized arrays (on every process!) which is problematic with respect to memory footprint at very fine resolution.
The existing algorithm enforces symmetry post facto in a brut force fashion - complicating the change to a more local computation. However, if the basic loops are expressed in an inherently symmetric manner the post facto enforcement becomes unnecessary. Unfortunately this change will not be 0-diff, but arguably more accurate based upon empirical testing.
Current algorithm in
requires use of globally sized arrays (on every process!) which is problematic with respect to memory footprint at very fine resolution.The existing algorithm enforces symmetry post facto in a brut force fashion - complicating the change to a more local computation. However, if the basic loops are expressed in an inherently symmetric manner the post facto enforcement becomes unnecessary. Unfortunately this change will not be 0-diff, but arguably more accurate based upon empirical testing.