MAPL is a foundation layer of the GEOS architecture, whose original purpose is to supplement the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF)
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`MAPL_GeomGet` #3136

Open pchakraborty opened 3 weeks ago

pchakraborty commented 3 weeks ago

API to retrieve GEOM information

subroutine MAPL_GeomGet(geom, DE=...,localCellCount=..., globalCellCount=..., gridtype=...,  ...)

Output vars that are arrays should be allocatable so as not to force the user to query and then allocate and then call. GeomGet can call GridGet, LocStreamGet, etc. after determining the gridtype. Needs an optional argument for DE as well.

bena-nasa commented 3 weeks ago

We should also include the functionality provided by the old grid_get_interior in this call as other optional arguments perhaps, or just a separate refactoring of that routine. Also note that both these calls have the JM_World = 6*IM_WORLD convention for the cube. Probably something to debate if we want to keep this convention, but would have lots consequences

tclune commented 3 weeks ago

I would so like to avoid the confusion of the "6x". And the confusion is really all my fault. As a purist I went about expunging the 6x from JM when I arrived, but even if I succeeded, it would just confuse everyone else.

Let's have a healthy debate on the topic at the MAPL meeting.

We certainly should not need to support the old CS "lat lon fake" in MAPL3.