This update adds the option to add an offset to the CH4 boundary condition concentrations. This can be useful to incorporate the most recent CH4 trends. For now, this is limited to GEOS runs. However, it would be trivial to make this a general feature (by removing the GEOS compiler brackets).
The CH4 offset field is obtained through HEMCO. A python script is provided to generate netCDF files that can be read via ExtData.yaml / HEMCO.
Name and Institution (Required)
Name: Christoph Keller Institution: NASA GMAO / MSU
Confirm you have reviewed the following documentation
Describe the update
This update adds the option to add an offset to the CH4 boundary condition concentrations. This can be useful to incorporate the most recent CH4 trends. For now, this is limited to GEOS runs. However, it would be trivial to make this a general feature (by removing the GEOS compiler brackets). The CH4 offset field is obtained through HEMCO. A python script is provided to generate netCDF files that can be read via ExtData.yaml / HEMCO.
Expected changes
Zero diff
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