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Adding version support to docs #198

Closed shimwell closed 1 month ago

shimwell commented 1 month ago


This PR updates the documentation creating CI so that it builds docs with the Pydata theme. Docs are built every PR and push as previously and this now gets put in the dev folder on the gh-pages branch Docs are now built with every tag release and this gets put in a folder with the version number on the gh-pages branch

I've investigated 5 ways of adding versions to sphinx based docs and am convinced that the pydata is the best option currently and used by famous packages like numpy

Happy to go into more details but in summary the pydata-sphinx-theme does everything required

I will need to follow up this PR with some changes directly to the GH-pages branch before everything works nicely

In the meantime here is a version I made on my fork

Fixes issue

Please link to any issues that this PR fixes


shimwell commented 1 month ago

This one is ready for review if anyone has time