A tool to convert CAD to CSG & CSG to CAD for Monte Carlo transport codes
European Union Public License 1.2
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Fix for #203, errors in simplify full #206

Closed KBGrammer closed 3 weeks ago

KBGrammer commented 3 weeks ago


Two calls in to get_box and build_c_table_from_solids are missing a required "options" parameter. This has been added as "self.options".

The function point_inside in has a variable named "cut_box". This is the same name as a function in, cut_box(). The variable has the underscore removed in this function.

Fixes issue

Fixes #203


KBGrammer commented 3 weeks ago

I believe I've made the requested changes. I also found a few other instances of the cut_box variable/function name bug in GEOReverse. Those have been updated.

KBGrammer commented 3 weeks ago

My apologies, there was a missing space in the call to UF.get_box, so it failed the formatting check. Everything else had passed. This has been remedied now.