A tool to convert CAD to CSG & CSG to CAD for Monte Carlo transport codes
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[DOC] - installation from fork issue - tags #213

Closed alexvalentine94 closed 1 week ago

alexvalentine94 commented 2 weeks ago

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Help with installation for existing fork. This in the long term will not be a persistent problem now we have moved to semantic versioning however to avoid others running into some difficulty I faced with installation:

In the .toml file setuptools will use the git tags in your fork to determine the version number of your project. Later versions of setuptools require that the tags are compliant with PEP440 i.e. N.N[.N]. In my fork I had a single tag, 05102023v1 reflecting one of the releases of the code which does not conform to this standard causing the installation to fail.

To resolve this you can update the tags in your fork using git fetch --tags where the remote-url is that of the original repository. Push these changes with git push --tags. Then delete any of the tags not conforming to the standard.

Is the information available in the doc but not where you would expect?


Is information completely lacking or partial?

currently not available.

Where would you insert the missing information?

Install instructions.

Additional context

It may be better to simplify the version number handling in the toml file - i.e. manual specification using version = "x.x.x".

alexvalentine94 commented 2 weeks ago

Agreed that this can be minor addition to documentation