GER-Space / Kerbal-Konstructs

KSP Mod: Kerbal Konstrucs
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KK not creating "NewInstances" directory for MapDecals #104

Closed Araym-KSP closed 6 years ago

Araym-KSP commented 6 years ago

KSP 1.3.1

Discussed it with Eskandare, and not able to resolve it from the original mapdecal cfg, I deleted it to create in game a new one with basically the same characteristics. Creation was fine, the new mapdecal was there even when I returned to KSC than back to the base. BUT on KSP reload, the mapdecal was not there.

Redone the mapdecal, KSP log shown then an error, basically pointing to the problem for KK to find the NewInstances directory. (In my install was the first time creating anything)

Only when I spawned a random building, KK was able to create the directory, save the random building cfg, and THEN, added the mapdecal, save also its cfg.

My guess is that KK cannot recognize a mapdecal as a valid object (unlikely other buildings) to then create NewInstances directory if it was the first thing ever created in an install.

By the way, the new mapdecal now is working (leaving me still puzzled by not knowing what was wrong with the original KerbinSide remastered one):

GER-Space commented 6 years ago

the NewInstances Directory was only created by the Static Editor, not the MapDecal Editor. this is now fixed and will be released in the next Version of KK.