GER-Space / Kerbal-Konstructs

KSP Mod: Kerbal Konstrucs
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RemoteTech groundstations don't seem to be saved correctly (1.11.x) #166

Open MysteriousLounger opened 3 years ago

MysteriousLounger commented 3 years ago

When RemoteTech ground-stations are enabled, and they are not all turned on by default, they must be opened (either from the map or by flying to them). However, the open/closed state of a given ground-station doesn't seem to be saved properly. When the game is saved and then loaded, groundstations that where previously opened will be closed & disabled again. Strangely, this doesn't ever appear to happen after the first save and load after opening a new ground station, but after saving and loading a second time, (maybe it is caused by opening a new groundstation? like, when a new groundstation is opened, the previously opened ones are overwritten?) it can be closed, seemingly at random. I'm not sure what other information might be useful, but I'm using Kerbal Konstructs and RemoteTech, along with some other mods (I can test this on an install with only these two mods, if a mod conflict is suspected). Please let me know if there is any other help I can provide.