The coverage metric used in the paper deals with missing data. It could be useful to better understand which data is missing and for how long. For example,
Are there some pixels that appear in only one velocity product, and then are filled in at all other times?
If there are four sequential time stamps (see Table), is it the same 50 % missing at both times? Or is the 50 % missing (covered) at time t1 swapped at time t2? In the former case, the discharge estimate is less robust. The 50 % coverage filled in at t1 and t2 is interpolated from t0 to t3. In the latter case the discharge estimate is more robust. The 50 % coverage filled in at t1 is only interpolated from t0 to t2, and the 50 % coverage filled in at t2 is only interpolated from t1 to t3.
100 %
50 %
50 %
100 %
A metric to track the duration of coverage gaps for each pixel (staleness) could help improve our uncertainty estimate.
The coverage metric used in the paper deals with missing data. It could be useful to better understand which data is missing and for how long. For example,
A metric to track the duration of coverage gaps for each pixel (staleness) could help improve our uncertainty estimate.