GEUS-Glaciology-and-Climate / pypromice

Process AWS data from L0 (raw logger) through Lx (end user)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Index, installation and guides docs modified #140

Closed PennyHow closed 1 year ago

PennyHow commented 1 year ago

These modifications address #138 and the following comments from @simonrp84. The changes can also be seen here on pypromice's readthedocs

I think the index page for readthedocs could be improved. Can you add an additional sentence or two after "pypromice is designed for processing and handling PROMICE automated weather station (AWS) data." to describe what PROMICE data is and why a tool is needed to handle it? I know you mention this elsewhere, but it would be nice tohave that up-front in the docs.

Description added to index page.

It's not immediately clear in the readthedocs pages where the example .toml files are located, it owuld be good to directly specify where the example toml files are from within the user guide section.

Sentence describing test file locations added.

This may be a lack of library knowledge on my part, but why does the 'developer install 'section of the docs say that netcdf, xarray, pandas and pathlib need to be installed via conda? All the other dependencies are installed via pip when running "pip install ."

Pip install is preferenced over conda now in this part of the documentation.

In the user guide, the code given in the Level 0 to Level 3 processing section is incorrectly indented, the leading space at the beginning of the lines should be removed.
