GEUS-Glaciology-and-Climate / pypromice

Process AWS data from L0 (raw logger) through Lx (end user)
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Not printing empty variable to files #198

Open BaptisteVandecrux opened 8 months ago

BaptisteVandecrux commented 8 months ago

At KAN_B for example, there is no GPS, no ice temperature, no pressure transducer

We had already removed the variables cc, dlhf, dshf from the tundra sites:

Should we also do the same with t_i and z_pt? Some tundra sites might have active GPS ?

Same thing for KAN_U that never had a pressure transducer.

BaptisteVandecrux commented 6 months ago

This could be fixed by adding:

        # removing empty variables
        for var in self.L3.data_vars:
            if self.L3[var].isnull().all():
      'removing {var} because empty')

right after colname is being defined:

But we need to decide: