GEUS-Glaciology-and-Climate / pypromice

Process AWS data from L0 (raw logger) through Lx (end user)
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QC on GPS data + removing dlr/ulr for bad t_rad + recalculating RH from averaged vapour pressures #241

Closed BaptisteVandecrux closed 1 month ago

BaptisteVandecrux commented 1 month ago

Persistence QC is done on both raw and tx data, and extended to rh and wspd

QC on GPS data (#238)

Done through

See for example here. All the pink points have missing or bad gps_alt. The baseline elevation is the black dashed line. QAS_U_0

Removing dlr and ulr when t_rad is bad or not available (#240)

Re-calculating rh from time-average vapour pressures (#193)

RH is defined as the ratio between partial vapour pressure and saturation vapour pressure. When calculating hourly, daily, monthly averages, the ratio of the mean should be taken instead of the mean of the ratio (currently used)

removing percentile QC

see #242

smoothing and gap-filling tilt (#176, #123)

This is necessary for the calculation of dsr_cor and usr_cor. It is done there:

ladsmund commented 1 month ago

Next time: Please split up the updates into multiple pull requests. 🙏 This will make it much easier to read and discussion the changes 😅