GEUS-Glaciology-and-Climate / pypromice

Process AWS data from L0 (raw logger) through Lx (end user)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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QAS_Lv3 text fields misaligned? #73

Closed patrickjwright closed 9 months ago

patrickjwright commented 1 year ago

Something regarding a new ablation sensor with different text fields in the raw data? Need to look into this further. We are currently skipping this station for BUFR processing.

PennyHow commented 1 year ago

Is this an issue with the data or is there something not accomodating for this formating in our processing? If it is the former then I think this issue is better suited for PROMICE-AWS-data-issues.

PennyHow commented 9 months ago

New logger program uploaded and all seems to be working fine.QAS_Lv3 now included in BUFR processing.