GFDRR / afg_geonode

Afghanistan DRM GeoNode
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Land-use FAO Layer #7

Open jj0hns0n opened 8 years ago

jj0hns0n commented 8 years ago

I dont have the source for this layer (cant find it in the base data either), can someone point me at where to grab it and I can upload it.

jj0hns0n commented 8 years ago

There is a .rar version (named "FAO_Landcover data 2010 (1).rar") in the following FTP folder:

jj0hns0n commented 8 years ago

I untarred this file and found that its organized by district. The manifest is below. Should we import this this way?

afg_lcdb_2010_central.shp afg_lcdb_2010_eastern.shp afg_lcdb_2010_western.shp Badakhshan_LC.shp Badghis_LC.shp Baghlan_LC.shp Balkh_LC.shp Bamyan_LC.shp Daykundi_LC.shp Farah_LC.shp Faryab_LC.shp Ghazni_LC.shp Ghor_LC.shp Hilmand_LC.shp Hirat_LC.shp Jawzjan_LC.shp Kabul_LC.shp Kandahar_LC.shp Kapisa_LC.shp Khost_LC.shp Kunar_LC.shp Kunduz_LC.shp Laghman_LC.shp lccs_basin_Harirod_Murghab.shp lccs_basin_Helmand.shp lccs_basin_Kabul_Indus.shp lccs_basin_Northern.shp lccs_basin_Panj_Amu.shp Logar_LC.shp Nangarhar_LC.shp Nimroz_LC.shp Nuristan_LC.shp Paktika_LC.shp Paktya_LC.shp Panjsher_LC.shp Parwan_LC.shp Samangan_LC.shp Sari_Pul_LC.shp Takhar_LC.shp Uruzgan_LC.shp Wardak_LC.shp Zabul_LC.shp

maupollino commented 8 years ago

The following shapefiles cover all the Country: afg_lcdb_2010_central.shp afg_lcdb_2010_eastern.shp afg_lcdb_2010_western.shp

You can use only those three files. I'm going to create a .sld style.

maupollino commented 8 years ago

sld style for lcdb layers: lcdb.sld.txt