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Draft for new documentation section: user guidelines VS schema as DB #6

Closed matamadio closed 3 years ago

matamadio commented 3 years ago

Two separate sections under DATA SCHEMAS:

A) User guidelines B) Schema as a DB

A) User guidelines or Schema adoption guidelines


A specific list of attributes (metadata) is defined to describe the content of datasets for each the four components of the schema. Fields are marked with * are considered "mandatory" for the consistency of the whole schema.

0. Shared attributes
To ensure consistency, some attributes are referred using the same code along the whole schema.
The codes are explained below:

Schema component | **code** | **shortcode** | **name** | |---|:---:|---| | HAZ | H | Hazard | | EXP | E | Exposure | | VUL | V | Vulnerability | | LOS | L | Loss |
Data license | **code** | **name** | **description** | **url** | |---|---|---|---| | **CC0** | Creative Commons CCZero (CC0) | Dedicate to the Public Domain (all rights waived) | | | **CC BY 4.0** | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0) | | | | **CC BY-SA 4.0** | Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA-4.0) | | | | **ODbL** | Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) | Attribution-ShareAlike for data(bases) | | | **ODC-By** | Open Data Commons Attribution License(ODC-BY) | Attribution for data(bases) | |
Country ISO codes | **code** | **name** | |:---:|---| | ABW | Aruba | | AFG | Afghanistan | | AGO | Angola | | AIA | Anguilla | | ALB | Albania | | AND | Andorra | | ARE | United Arab Emirates | | ARG | Argentina | | ARM | Armenia | | ASM | American Samoa | | ATG | Antigua and Barbuda | | AUS | Australia | | AUT | Austria | | AZE | Azerbaijan | | BDI | Burundi | | BEL | Belgium | | BEN | Benin | | BFA | Burkina Faso | | BGD | Bangladesh | | BGR | Bulgaria | | BHR | Bahrain | | BHS | The Bahamas | | BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | | BLM | Saint-Barthélemy | | BLR | Belarus | | BLZ | Belize | | BMU | Bermuda | | BOL | Bolivia | | BRA | Brazil | | BRB | Barbados | | BRN | Brunei | | BTN | Bhutan | | BWA | Botswana | | CAF | Central African Republic | | CAN | Canada | | CHE | Switzerland | | CHL | Chile | | CHN | People's Republic of China | | CIV | Ivory Coast | | CMR | Cameroon | | COD | Democratic Republic of the Congo | | COG | Republic of the Congo | | COK | Cook Islands | | COL | Colombia | | COM | Comoros | | CPV | Cape Verde | | CRI | Costa Rica | | CUB | Cuba | | CUW | Curaçao | | CYM | Cayman Islands | | CYP | Cyprus | | CZE | Czech Republic | | DEU | Germany | | DJI | Djibouti | | DMA | Dominica | | DNK | Denmark | | DOM | Dominican Republic | | DZA | Algeria | | ECU | Ecuador | | EGY | Egypt | | ERI | Eritrea | | ESP | Spain | | EST | Estonia | | ETH | Ethiopia | | FIN | Finland | | FJI | Fiji | | FLK | Falkland Islands | | FRA | France | | FRO | Faroe Islands | | FSM | Federated States of Micronesia | | GAB | Gabon | | GBR | United Kingdom | | GEO | Georgia | | GGY | Guernsey | | GHA | Ghana | | GIB | Gibraltar | | GIN | Guinea | | GMB | The Gambia | | GNB | Guinea-Bissau | | GNQ | Equatorial Guinea | | GRC | Greece | | GRD | Grenada | | GRL | Greenland | | GTM | Guatemala | | GUM | Guam | | GUY | Guyana | | HKG | Hong Kong | | HMD | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | | HND | Honduras | | HRV | Croatia | | HTI | Haiti | | HUN | Hungary | | IDN | Indonesia | | IMN | Isle of Man | | IND | India | | IRL | Ireland | | IRN | Iran | | IRQ | Iraq | | ISL | Iceland | | ISR | Israel | | ITA | Italy | | JAM | Jamaica | | JEY | Jersey | | JOR | Jordan | | JPN | Japan | | KAZ | Kazakhstan | | KEN | Kenya | | KGZ | Kyrgyzstan | | KHM | Cambodia | | KIR | Kiribati | | KNA | Saint Kitts and Nevis | | KOR | South Korea | | KWT | Kuwait | | LAO | Laos | | LBN | Lebanon | | LBR | Liberia | | LBY | Libya | | LCA | Saint Lucia | | LIE | Liechtenstein | | LKA | Sri Lanka | | LSO | Lesotho | | LTU | Lithuania | | LUX | Luxembourg | | LVA | Latvia | | MAC | Macau | | MAF | Saint Martin | | MAR | Morocco | | MCO | Monaco | | MDA | Moldova | | MDG | Madagascar | | MDV | Maldives | | MEX | Mexico | | MHL | Marshall Islands | | MKD | Republic of Macedonia | | MLI | Mali | | MLT | Malta | | MMR | Myanmar | | MNE | Montenegro | | MNG | Mongolia | | MNP | Northern Mariana Islands | | MOZ | Mozambique | | MRT | Mauritania | | MSR | Montserrat | | MUS | Mauritius | | MWI | Malawi | | MYS | Malaysia | | NAM | Namibia | | NCL | New Caledonia | | NER | Niger | | NFK | Norfolk Island | | NGA | Nigeria | | NIC | Nicaragua | | NIU | Niue | | NLD | Netherlands | | NOR | Norway | | NPL | Nepal | | NRU | Nauru | | NZL | New Zealand | | OMN | Oman | | PAK | Pakistan | | PAN | Panama | | PCN | Pitcairn Islands | | PER | Peru | | PHL | Philippines | | PLW | Palau | | PNG | Papua New Guinea | | POL | Poland | | PRI | Puerto Rico | | PRK | North Korea | | PRT | Portugal | | PRY | Paraguay | | PSE | Palestine | | PYF | French Polynesia | | QAT | Qatar | | ROU | Romania | | RUS | Russia | | RWA | Rwanda | | SAU | Saudi Arabia | | SDN | Sudan | | SEN | Senegal | | SGP | Singapore | | SGS | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | | SHN | Saint Helena | | SLB | Solomon Islands | | SLE | Sierra Leone | | SLV | El Salvador | | SMR | San Marino | | SOM | Somalia | | SPM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | | SRB | Serbia | | SSD | South Sudan | | STP | São Tomé and Príncipe | | SUR | Suriname | | SVK | Slovakia | | SVN | Slovenia | | SWE | Sweden | | SWZ | eSwatini | | SXM | Sint Maarten | | SYC | Seychelles | | SYR | Syria | | TCA | Turks and Caicos Islands | | TCD | Chad | | TGO | Togo | | THA | Thailand | | TJK | Tajikistan | | TKM | Turkmenistan | | TLS | East Timor | | TON | Tonga | | TTO | Trinidad and Tobago | | TUN | Tunisia | | TUR | Turkey | | TUV | Tuvalu | | TZA | Tanzania | | UGA | Uganda | | UKR | Ukraine | | URY | Uruguay | | USA | United States of America | | UZB | Uzbekistan | | VAT | Vatican City | | VCT | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | | VEN | Venezuela | | VGB | British Virgin Islands | | VIR | United States Virgin Islands | | VNM | Vietnam | | VUT | Vanuatu | | WLF | Wallis and Futuna | | WSM | Samoa | | XXK | Kosovo | | YEM | Yemen | | ZAF | South Africa | | ZMB | Zambia | | ZWE | Zimbabwe |
Hazard type | **code** | **name** | |:---:|---| | **CF** | Coastal Flood | | **CS** | Convective Storm | | **DR** | Drought | | **EQ** | Earthquake | | **ET** | Extreme Temperature | | **FL** | Flood | | **LS** | Landslide | | **MH** | Multi-Hazard | | **TS** | Tsunami | | **VO** | Volcanic | | **WF** | Wildfire | | **WI** | Strong Wind |
Hazard process type | **code** | **hazard\_code** | **name** | |:---:|---|---| | **FCF** | CF | Coastal Flood | | **FSS** | CF | Storm Surge | | **TOR** | CS | Tornado | | **DTA** | DR | Agricultural Drought | | **DTH** | DR | Hydrological Drought | | **DTM** | DR | Meteorological Drought | | **DTS** | DR | Socio-economic Drought | | **Q1R** | EQ | Primary Rupture | | **Q2R** | EQ | Secondary Rupture | | **QGM** | EQ | Ground Motion | | **QLI** | EQ | Liquefaction | | **ECD** | ET | Extreme cold | | **EHT** | ET | Extreme heat | | **FFF** | FL | Fluvial Flood | | **FPF** | FL | Pluvial Flood | | **LAV** | LS | Snow Avalanche | | **LSL** | LS | Landslide (general) | | **TSI** | TS | Tsunami | | **VAF** | VO | Ashfall | | **VBL** | VO | Ballistics | | **VFH** | VO | Proximal hazards | | **VLH** | VO | Lahar | | **VLV** | VO | Lava | | **VPF** | VO | Pyroclastic Flow | | **WFI** | WF | Wildfire | | **ETC** | WI | Extratropical cyclone | | **TCY** | WI | Tropical cyclone |
Hazard intensity measure | **_process\_code_** | **_hazard\_code_** | **_im\_code_** | **_description_** | |:---:|---|---|---| | **QGM** | EQ | PGA:g | Peak ground acceleration in g | | **QGM** | EQ | PGA:m/s2 | Peak ground acceleration in m/s2 | | **QGM** | EQ | PGV:m/s | Peak ground velocity in m/s | | **QGM** | EQ | SA(0.2):g | Spectral acceleration with 0.2s period | | **QGM** | EQ | SA(0.3):g | Spectral acceleration with 0.3s period | | **QGM** | EQ | SA(1.0):g | Spectral acceleration with 1.0s period | | **QGM** | EQ | SA(3.0):g | Spectral acceleration with 3.0s period | | **QGM** | EQ | SA(0.2):m/s2 | Spectral acceleration with 0.2s period | | **QGM** | EQ | SA(0.3):m/s2 | Spectral acceleration with 0.3s period | | **QGM** | EQ | SA(1.0):m/s2 | Spectral acceleration with 1.0s period | | **QGM** | EQ | SA(3.0):m/s2 | Spectral acceleration with 3.0s period | | **QGM** | EQ | Sd(T1):m | Spectral displacement | | **QGM** | EQ | Sv(T1):m/s | Spectral velocity | | **QGM** | EQ | PGDf:m | Permanent ground deformation | | **QGM** | EQ | D\_a5-95:s | Significant duration a5-95 | | **QGM** | EQ | D\_a5-75 :s | Significant duration a5-75 | | **QGM** | EQ | IA:m/s | Arias intensity (Iα) or (IA) or (Ia) | | **QGM** | EQ | Neq:- | Effective number of cycles | | **QGM** | EQ | EMS:- | European macroseismic scale | | **QGM** | EQ | AvgSa:m/s2 | Average spectral acceleration | | **QGM** | EQ | I\_Np:m/s2 | I\_Np by Bojórquez and Iervolino | | **QGM** | EQ | MMI:- | Modified Mercalli Intensity | | **QGM** | EQ | CAV:m/s | Cumulative absolute velocity | | **QGM** | EQ | D\_B:s | Bracketed duration | | **FFF** | FL | d\_fff:m | Flood water depth | | **FPF** | FL | d\_fpf:m | Flood water depth | | **FFF** | FL | v\_fff:m/s | Flood flow velocity | | **FPF** | FL | v\_fpf:m/s | Flood flow velocity | | **TCY** | WI | v\_tcy(3s):km/h | 3-sec at 10m sustained wind speed (kph) | | **ETC** | WI | v\_ect(3s):km/h | 3-sec at 10m sustained wind speed (kph) | | **TCY** | WI | v\_tcy(1m):km/h | 1-min at 10m sustained wind speed (kph) | | **ETC** | WI | v\_ect(1m):km/h | 1-min at 10m sustained wind speed (kph) | | **TCY** | WI | v\_tcy(10m):km/h | 10-min sustained wind speed (kph) | | **ETC** | WI | v\_etc(10m):km/h | 10-min sustained wind speed (kph) | | **TCY** | WI | PGWS\_tcy:km/h | Peak gust wind speed | | **ETC** | WI | PGWS\_ect:km/h | Peak gust wind speed | | **LSL** | LS | d\_lsl:m | Landslide flow depth | | **LSL** | LS | I\_DF:m3/s2 | Debris-flow intensity index | | **LSL** | LS | v\_lsl:m/s2 | Landslide flow velocity | | **LSL** | LS | MFD\_lsl:m | Maximum foundation displacement | | **LSL** | LS | SD\_lsl:m | Landslide displacement | | **LSL** | LS | LSI:- | Landslide susceptibility Index | | **LSL** | LS | haz\_lsl:- | Landslide hazard index | | **TSI** | TS | Rh\_tsi:m | Tsunami wave runup height | | **TSI** | TS | d\_tsi:m | Tsunami inundation depth | | **TSI** | TS | MMF:m4/s2 | Modified momentum flux | | **TSI** | TS | F\_drag:kN | Drag force | | **TSI** | TS | Fr:- | Froude number | | **TSI** | TS | v\_tsi:m/s | Tsunami velocity | | **TSI** | TS | F\_QS:kN | Quasi-steady force | | **TSI** | TS | MF:m3/s2 | Momentum flux | | **TSI** | TS | h\_tsi:m | Tsunami wave height | | **TSI** | TS | Fh\_tsi:m | Tsunami Horizontal Force | | **VAF** | VO | h\_vaf:m | Ash fall thickness | | **VAF** | VO | L\_vaf:kg/m2 | Ash loading | | **FSS** | CF | v\_fss:m/s | Maximum water velocity | | **FSS** | CF | d\_fss:m | Storm surge inundation depth | | **DTA** | DR | CMI:- | Crop Moisture Index | | **DTM** | DR | PDSI:- | Palmer Drought Severity Index | | **DTM** | DR | SPI:- | Standard Precipitation Index |
Exposure category | Category | |---| | Buildings | | Indicators | | Infrastructure | | Crops, livestock and forestry |
Exposure occupancy types | Occupancy | |---| | Residential | | Commercial | | Industrial | | Healthcare | | Education | | Government | | Infrastructure | | Crop | | Livestock | | Forestry | | Mixed |

1. Contribution attributes
The data used or produced in a risk analysis project generally fall into one of the four categories described by the RDL schema. Datasets originating from the same project can be grouped by common attributes.

| | **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:|---| --- | --- | |* | component | Schema to be used | Exposure | |*| model\_source | Name of source model | OSM | |*| model\_date | Model release date | | | | project | Project under which data has been produced | OpenMapProject | | | purpose | Purpose for what the data has been produced | | | | notes | Details about the dataset | | | | bibliography | Title and authors of documents containing relevant information | | | | version | Version of the dataset | 1.2 | |*| geo\_coverage | ISO code(s) of countries covered | COM,MDG,SYC | |*| license\_code | Type of license | CC0 |

2. Hazard attributes
Example are hazard maps representing the mean or max intensity over an area, or the extent of a phenomena of a given intensity and probability. They can represent a probabilistic scenario, or an empirical event. Most usually these data consist of grid data stored as raster (.tif), but in some cases vector layers are used instead. [ex_hazards1] [ex_hazards2] [ex_hazards3] The RDL hazard schema uses a hyerarchical definition of hazard data structure:
The _**Event set**_ stores one or more scenarios for a specific hazard. The main hazard type is defined by a specific code defined in common tables. Key attributes are: || **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | |*| hazard\_type | Code provided in common tables | _FL_ for Floods | || description | General details about this set of layers | _Simulated flood depth at country scale_ | |*| is\_prob | Probabilistic or deterministic analysis. | _TRUE_ for probabilistic | Each **_Event_** is characterised by three main parameters: the methodology which originated the dataset; the specific occurrance probability, or frequency; and the main and secondary trigger processes which comes before the rapresented hazard in the cascade of events, and are identified as cause, or concause for the manifestation of the represented hazard. || **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:|---| --- | --- | |*| calculation\_method | The methodology used for the calculation of this event | _Simulated_ for model simulations; _Observed_ for empirical data; _Inferred_ for models elaborated on empirical data (?) | || frequency | The frequency of occurrence of the present event | _0.01_ meaning probability of once in 100 years | || occurrence\_probability | The occurrance probability | ?? | || occurence\_time\_span | The duration (years) of the period used to specify either the frequency or the occurrence\_probability | _100_ | || trigger\_hazard\_type | Hazard type that triggered the event | _CS_ (Convective Storm) | || trigger\_process\_type | Process type that triggered the event | _TCY_ (Tropical Cyclone) | || description | Provides additional information about this specific event | _The flood has been caused by heavy rainfall during cyclone Karen_ | For each **_Event_**, one more **_Footprint_set_** can be available, where each is one possible realisation of the event, i.e. one footprint could represent minimum, another footprint the average and another one the maximum. In this way, the event uncertainty can be represented explicitly, through the inclusion of multiple footprints per event. Hazard footprints can be assigned an occurrence frequency, and can represent a scenario footprint or return period hazard map. Inclusion of an event start and end time enables description of long-duration events. || **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | |*| process\_type | The typology of hazard process | _FPF_ for Pluvial flood | |*| imt | Intensity measure types | _d_fpf:m_ for water depth | || data\_uncertainty | This attribute describes the typology of uncertainty | _Min to Max range_ | The **_Footprint_** entity contains information on a specific realisation of an **_Event_**. The uncertainty of a particular event is captured either by the construction of many footprints or by a single footprint which contains information about uncertainty. || **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:|---| --- | --- | || trigger\_footprint | ? | ? | || uncertainty\_2nd\_moment | ?? | _Minimum_ |

3. Exposure attributes
This component can include a wide variety of data describing structural, infrastructural and environmental asset, population, socio-economic descriptors. Exposure can be stored at multiple scales, more often using vectors, namely polygons (e.g. building footprint), points (e.g. geolocated element) and lines (e.g. transport infrastructures, lifelines), but in same case exposure estimates are aggregated at ADM level or distributed over a raster grid. [ex_exp1] [ex_exp2] [ex_exp3]
The main features of an exposure dataset are specified by the _**exposure model**_ attributes, which contain several assets, defined by specific attributes about cost, occupancy, and tags. Each row represents a collection of assets characterised by a category (buildings, road network, etc), occupancy, and related taxonomy code. The Risk Data Library adopts the [GED4ALL Taxonomy]( as default taxonomy source to describe the most important spatial features commonly employed in risk analysis. A model can optionally contain one or more cost types (see model\_cost\_type), e.g. structural, contents and can also optionally contain information about the area occupied by the assets. Finally, a model can optionally specify any number of tags, which can be applied to each asset.
|| **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | |*| name | Name of exposure model | | || description | Description of exposure model | | || taxonomy\_source | Name of taxonomy source | | |*| category | Category of exposure model | | || area\_type | Aggregated or per asset | | || area\_unit | Unit of measure of area | | || tag\_names | Additional tag information | | || use | Usage type of the asset (e.g. residential, commercial) | | There are 4 main categories of exposure which include 11 exposure types.
Category | Category | |---| | Buildings | | Indicators | | Infrastructure | | Crops, livestock and forestry |
Type | Type | |---| | Residential | | Commercial | | Industrial | | Healthcare | | Education | | Government | | Infrastructure | | Crop | | Livestock | | Forestry | | Mixed |
The **asset** is the main feature represented in the dataset; there can be one or more assets within the same **exposure_model**. Each asset could represent a single asset (e.g. one building) or a collection of assets (e.g aggregated buildings in an area). The taxonomy value should be set to a valid taxonomy string using the taxonomy system specified in taxonomy_source attribute. | | **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | | * | asset\_ref | Alphanumeric code supplied by user | ?? | | * | taxonomy | Alphanumeric code for the taxonomy source | ?? | | | number\_of\_units | Number of assets represented | 420 | | | area | Area of the asset in the units specified | 38000 | Each exposure model can optionally have one or more **types of cost** associated with loss or damage to assets. For example, the cost of the building structure by square meter or the cost of the contents of a single building. | **Req** | **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | | * | cost\_type\_name | Type of asset cost (structural, non-structural, contents, business interruption) | | | * | aggregation\_type | Aggregated or per asset | | | | unit | Cost unit of measure | | > The actual cost value is specified in the unit specified. Optional attributes are deductible and insurance_limit. > > | **Req** | **Field name** | **Description** | > |:---:| --- | --- | > | **\*** | value | Cost value | > | | deductible | | > | | insurance\_limit | | | > > `This is related to all in-DB approach; can't be done with out-DB approach (values are in geodata files)` The **occupants** attributes are used to store information about the occupants of an asset in a given period, for example, the number of people in a given building during the day and during the night. | | **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | | * | period | Occupancy type | _Night_ (for residential population only) | | * | num_occupants | Number of occupants | 240 | > Additional **tags** attributes can be associated with an asset to link any information not envised in the exposure schema. > > | | **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | > |:---:| --- | --- | --- | > | * | name | Name of the tag | | > | * | value | Number associated with the tag | | > > `How are we really using tags? Why only number value and not also text? Need good examples.`

4.Vulnerability attributes
The vulnerability schema includes physical fragility and vulnerability relationships in relation to specific hazards or for multi-hazard. The schema distinguishes key information describing the function, including: - function type (i.e fragility, vulnerability, damage-to-loss); - ountries the function was developed for, measured in terms of to geographic relevance. - development approach (empirical, analytical, judgement, hybrid, code-based); - mathematical model used (including exponential, cumulative lognormal/normal); - the intensity measure and asset type the function relates to; - loss parameter / engineering demand parameter values. The schema consists of three base tables (_f\_core_, _f\_specifics_, and _f\_additional_) and five supporting tables (_f\_scoring, damage\_scale, edp\_table, lp\_table, reference\_table_). The **core** attributes comprises data required by a user to correctly use the function, its scientific score and its applicability. Separate entries are made for fragility functions associated with different damage states. The data schema permits recording of the functional form and parameters of fragility functions, but is also flexible enough to also allow the entry of discrete forms of fragility representation, i.e. damage probability matrices (DPM). | | **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | | * | hazard\_type\_primary | Primary hazard involved | EQ | | | hazard\_type\_secondary | Secondary hazard involved | TS | | *| process\_type\_primary | Primary process involved | | | | process\_type\_secondary | Secondary process involved | | | * | occupancy | Type of occupancy | Residential | | | taxonomy\_source | Source of taxonomy | | | | taxonomy | Name of taxonomy | | | * | asset\_type | Type of asset | | | | asset\_notes | Additional info on asset | | | * | country\_iso | ISO country code(s), comma separated | ITA, FRA, GER | | | applicability\_notes | Specific sub-area within a country and/or region. | | | * | scale\_applicability | Administrative level of application | | | * | function\_type | Type of function | Fragility | | | approach | Type of methodological approach | | | * | | _mover.f\_relationship\_enum_ | Type of relationship | Mathematical | | | f\_math | Type of math reference ?? | Parametric | | | f\_math\_model | Type of mathematical model | | | | bespoke\_model\_ref | Reference study of the bespoke model | | | * | f\_reference | Literature article or report | | | * | licence\_code | Type of licence | | | | licence\_reference | Url associated with licence | | The **f\_specifics** attributes add more optional details. | | **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | | | par\_names | Parameters values names | MIDR , Ash depth | | | | ub\_par\_value | Upper bound parameters value (Value1; Value2) | | | | ub\_par\_perc | Upper bound parameters percentiles (Perc1; Perc2) | | | | med\_par\_value | Median parameter values (Med1; Med2) | | | | lb\_par\_value | Lower bound parameters value (Value1; Value2) | | | | lb\_par\_perc | Lower bound parameters percentiles (Perc 1;Perc 2) | | | | damage\_scale\_code | Code that identifies the damage scale | | | | dm\_state\_name | Damage states studied in the reference study of the function | | | | n\_dm\_states | Number of damage states studied in the reference study of the function | | | | f\_disc\_im | Intensity measure values for the characterization of discrete functions | | | | f\_disc\_ep | This field lists the associated exceeded probability values to the IM values of the previous field | | | | lp\_code | | | | | lp\_loss\_value | | | | | edp\_cpde | Code related to specific engineering demand parameter (EDP) used to the DS thresholds | | | | edp\_name | Specific engineering demand parameter (EDP) used to the DS thresholds | | | | edp\_dmstate\_thre | Specific damage state EDP threshold | | | | im\_code | Code of intensity measure | | | | im\_name | Name of intensity measure | | | | im\_range | Range of intensity measures as min;max (e.g. 0;500) | | | | im\_units | Unit of intensity measrue | | | | im\_method | Type of source of the im data | | | | im\_sim\_type | Type of simulation, Physics-based or IMPE | | | | impe\_referenec | Reference study of the IMPE simulation | | | | data\_countries | ISO code(s) of countries to which data refer | | | | im\_data\_source | Reference studies for the IM data sources | | | | n\_events | Number of events the function has been built on | | | | n\_assets | INumber of assets the function has been built on | | The **f\_additional** attributes cover more specific information that helps to understand the analysis which generated the function. | | **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | | * | nonsampling\_err | Is there sampling error? | NO | | | type\_nonsampling\_err | Type of non sampling error | | | | is\_fix\_nonsam\_err | Has non sampling error being fixed? | TRUE | | | is\_data\_aggregated | Has data been aggregated? | FALSE | | | is\_data\_disaggr | Has data been disaggregated? | TRUE | | | n\_data\_points\_aggr | Number of aggregated data points used for the evaluation of data quality | 600 | | | an\_analysis\_type | Type of analysis for Analytical functions | | | | em\_analysis\_type | Type of analysis for Empirical functions | | | | jd\_analysis\_type | Type of analysis for Judgement functions | | | | is\_fit\_good | Is the fit good overall? | TRUE | | | fit\_ref | Reference model for fitting | | | val\_data\_source | If validation has been done, source of the independent data | | | | val\_study\_reference | Reference of the Validation study | | | | sample | Type of sampling | |

5. Loss attributes
Losses can be rapresented in many different way: regular raster grids, points, or polygons. Often, the loss data consist of measures aggregated at the administrative unit level. [ex_loss1][ex_loss2][ex_loss3] To ensure consistency and comparability, some attributes refer to fixed categories:
Category | Category | |---| | Buildings | | Indicators | | Infrastructure | | Crops, livestock and forestry |

Loss element | Loss element | |---| | Structure | | Content | | Business interruption |

Loss impact | Loss impact | |---| | Direct | | Indirect |

Frequency | Frequency | |---| | Return Period | | Probability of exceedance | | Rate of exceedance |

Loss type | Loss type | |---| | Ground-up | | Insured |

Metric | Metric | |---| | Annual Average Loss | | Annual Average Loss Ratio | | Probable Maximum Loss |
The main attributes of the **loss model** describe the hazard and process, and enable to link the dataset to the hazard, exposure, and vulnerability dataset that were used to calculate the loss. | | **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | | * | name | Name of source model | | | | description | Description of source model | ? | | | hazard\_type | 2-digit code | FL | | | process\_type | 3-digit code | FPF | | | hazard\_link | Id? Name? | | | | exposure\_link | | | | | vulnerability\_link | | | Each loss model can contain any number of **loss maps** (vector or raster), characterised by type of losses, occupancy, return period, metric and units in relation to exposure category and occupancy. | | **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | | * | occupancy | Destination of use of the asset | Residential | | * | category | Type of affected component | Buildings | | * | element | Affected element | Structure | | * | impact | Type of impact | Direct | | * | loss\_type | Type of loss | Ground-up | | | frequency | Type of loss frequency aggregation | Return Period | | * | units | Cost unit of measure | USD | | * | metric | Type of loss metric | AAL | > > Each entry in this table represents the loss value and location of the value, with the value relating to the information in _loss.map_. > > | | **Field name** | **Type** | **Reference table** | **Description** | > |:---:| --- | --- | --- | --- | > | | asset\_ref | VARCHAR | | Alphanumeric code that identifies asset from exposure model | > | * | loss | FLOAT | | Loss value in the unit specified in loss\_map | > | * | the\_geom | GEOM | | Associated geometry | > > This is not valid anymore, points to file instead. Similarly, a model can also have any number of **loss curves**, a collection of loss exceedance curves associated with the loss model. These are often stored as data tables, with several types of loss measures associated to the same element. The attributes describe the unit, type and metric of the loss, which is provided for a given exposure category and occupancy. | | **Field name** | **Description** | **Example** | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | | * | occupancy | Destination of use of the asset | Residential | | * | category | Exposure category | Buildings | | * | element | Affected element | Structure | | * | impact | Type of impact | Direct | | * | loss\_type | Type of loss | Ground-up | | | frequency | Type of loss frequency aggregation | Return Period | | * | units | Cost unit of measure | USD | | * | metric | Type of loss metric | AAL | > Each entry in this table provides the values for a loss esceedance curve and location to which the curve relates, with the value relating to the information in _loss.curve\_map_. > > | **Req** | **Field name** | **Type** | **Reference table** | **Description** | > |:---:| --- | --- | --- | --- | > | **\*** | losses | VARCHAR | | Loss values in the unit specified in _loss\_curve\_map_ | > | **\*** | rates | FLOAT | | Rate values associates with losses | > | **\*** | the\_geom | GEOM | | Associated geometry | > > `Links to file instead`
- Data curation and publication - how to prepare data for storage and sharing (examples) - naming conventions for files and folders The name of file must summarise all the key information that allow to recognise the dataset and distinquish it from the others. The general format, all in lower caps, is: `{component.code}-{country_iso}-{schema_specifics}-{time}` Each component uses the most relevant attribute as schema_specifics, namely: - hzd-{country_iso}-{hazard_type}-{process_type}-{frequency}-{time} Example: pluvial flood hazard scenario with return period 10 years in 2050 for Afghanistan is named **hzd-afg-fl-fpf-rp10-2050** - exp-{country_iso}-{occupancy}-{exposure_model}-{time} Example: residential exposure in Madagascar from Open Street Map 2015 is named **exp-mdg-residential-osm-2015** - vln-{country_iso}-{hazard_type}-{occupancy}-{vulnerability_model} Example: flood depth-damage function developed for India by JRC over industrial land cover is named **vln-ind-fl-industrial-jrc** - lss-{country_iso}-{hazard_type}-{occupancy}-{vulnerability_model}-{time} Example: eartquake losses over Madagascar infrastructures over the period 1920-2012 is named **lss-mdg-eq-infrastructrure-1920_2012** - suggested export formats - Generate and store metadata - attributes into metadata - export formats (iso standards?) ---WIP--- **B) Schema implementation as a DB** The section explains how the schema is implemented on the [GFDRR RDL DB]( that hosts examples of risk data produced within a selection of WB projects. (current documentation follows - useful for us atm) Other changes: Access data should be second item after intro. Import data refers to our implementation only, to explain after schema implem as DB
stufraser1 commented 3 years ago

@ldodds best placed to advise

matamadio commented 3 years ago

Please refer to the first post, which I'm updating and commenting, for review. Elements have been collapsed into dropdown for easier reading. Will add example pictures.

This is some element to discuss This is the comment

pzwsk commented 3 years ago

Agree to discuss that with @ldodds after the explanatory phase - and also in line with MVPs.

In the meantime, useful documentation to read:


matamadio commented 3 years ago

The quickest reference to attributes would be something like this:

Proposal (based on today meeting):

matamadio commented 3 years ago

Added file naming convention to docs draft, adapted from latest proposal in discussion document.

To help univocally identify the content of a dataset, the filename must summarise all the key information that allow to distinquish it from the others. The general format, all in lower caps, is:


The name is made of [required] and {optional} attributes. Each component uses the most relevant attribute as schema_specifics, for example:

stufraser1 commented 3 years ago

clarification on lss-[country_iso]-{project_name}-{hazard_type}-{occupancy}-{vulnerability_model}-{time} Example: eartquake losses over Madagascar infrastructures over the period 1920-2012 is named lss-mdg-eq-infrastructrure-1920_2012

{vulnerability_model} is not included in the example. Actually I think its not necessary to include {vulnerability_model} in the loss naming convention (unlikely use case that losses are produced with different V models for same hazard under the same project) {project} is missing form the example name though.

matamadio commented 3 years ago

Superceeded by discussion on