GFDRR / rdl-standard

The Risk Data Library Standard (RDLS) is an open data standard to make it easier to work with disaster and climate risk data. It provides a common description of the data used and produced in risk assessments, including hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and modelled loss, or impact, data.
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[Proposal] Loss impact, method and type fields #126

Closed odscjen closed 1 year ago

odscjen commented 1 year ago

What is the context or reason for the change?

The current version of the schema and the DDH version of the schema have some differences within the Loss component relating to impact. From the discussion in #75 it appears that there was some confusion over whether or not an Impact object created for Vulnerability could be reused within Loss. ODS thought that it could be, but it appears we got the wrong end of the stick somewhere. This issue is just to clear this up and make sure we're modelling the necessary elements within Loss correctly.

Current state

rdl_schema_0.1 field rdl_schema_0.1 description DDH field DDH description
Calculation method How the scenario was calculated vln_calc_method Type of data on which the impact function is based (Simulated, Inferred, Observed)
model.impact Type of impact vln_impact_type Type of impact calculated (Direct, Indirect, Total)
model.loss_type Type of loss los_type Ground-up, Insured
model.metric Type of loss metric vln_impact_metric Annual Average Loss, Annual Average Loss Ratio, Probable Maximal Loss, Value At Risk (VAR), Tail Value at Risk (TVAR), Scenario Loss(for use in deterministic scenario?)
hzd_frequency_type Rate of Exceedence, Probability of Exceedence, Return Period, Susceptibility
los_approach Overall approach on which the loss calculation is based (Empirical survey, Analytical, Judgement, Hybrid)

These matches may not be what was actually intended but where my best guess based on the allowed values for each (where they existed).

What is your proposed change?

Need to clarify what are the actual values that we need in this component and which are repeats of values found in one or more of the other components.

Is this table correct...

Loss field equivalent in other component
vln_calc_method vulnerability.impact.base_data_type
vln_impact_type vulnerability.impact.type
vln_impact_metric vulnerability.impact.metric
los_type Loss specific
hzd_frequency_type vulnerability.hazard_analysis_type - changed as the frequency/occurence has all been updated
los_approach Loss specific but uses the same codelist as vulnerability.functions.{}.approach

If it is then we could reference the Impact object created for Vulnerability.impact although that would offer the potential to include the vulnerability.impact.unit in Loss. For the others, we could use the following

field title description codelist open/closed
type Loss type The type of loss described in the dataset. ground-up, insured closed?
analysis_type Vulnerability hazard analysis type The type of analysis applied to the hazard data used to calculated the vulnerability data used in the loss dataset. analysis_type.csv (probabilistic, deterministic, empirical) closed
approach Loss approach The approach the loss calculation function is based upon. function_approach.csv (Empirical, Analytical, Judgement, Hybrid) closed
matamadio commented 1 year ago

Agree to use the Vulnerability.impact object for Loss plus the additional attributes specific to Loss schema, and the frequency/occurrence attribute as from hazard schema.

stufraser1 commented 1 year ago

Revisiting #75, there should differences in the codes used for vulnerability impact metric and loss impact metric with the following distinctions:

I contributed to this confusion by including a reference to 'loss parameters table' here but this table actually combined the metrics too.

I think in the end we need two codelists for impact metrics: one for vulnerability object and one for loss object. I will propose these codelists ASAP.

matamadio commented 1 year ago

I see your point Stu: many metrics might be the same for the two components, but some would be mostly specific to Vln, other to Loss. It doesn't look too problematic to share one common table, but maybe is just safer to do as you suggest and split the two altogether, while keeping some shared metrics in both lists.

odscjen commented 1 year ago


So the Impact common object will be left as it currently is. The associated impact_metric.csv codelist can have two categories of metric in it, one for vulnerability and one for loss. We can achieve this by adding a column to the table, 'Category' and in the descriptions for the impact object in either component stating to pick only from the impacts_metrics with the relevant category. Does that sound alright? It does mean that the Loss component will only reference the loss impact metric and not the vulnerability impact metric?

Codes for both types of metric in

@stufraser1 @matamadio

stufraser1 commented 1 year ago

OK, if best practice to have in same table, seems a good approach. Any codes duplicated for vulnerability and loss do have a slightly different description as they're used in a different context - so loss component doesn't need to access any in the vulnerability category.

odscjen commented 1 year ago

Ah, cool. I think I was getting confused as the DDH table references vulnerability in the loss impact field names. Having it in the same table just allows us to reuse the same object. This sounds like this is ready to apply now.