GFDRR / rdl-standard

The Risk Data Library Standard (RDLS) is an open data standard to make it easier to work with disaster and climate risk data. It provides a common description of the data used and produced in risk assessments, including hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and modelled loss, or impact, data.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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[Docs update] additional details into #264

Open matamadio opened 8 months ago

matamadio commented 8 months ago

What is the context or reason for the change?

Additional steps are required to correctly setup the py environment.

What is your proposed change?

Requirement for a specific Python version, since 3.12 is failing with requirements.txt. Py 3.9 works fine.

Py -v: 3.9.13

In WIN, you also need to change execution criteria in powershell

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemotSigned -Scope LocalMachine

Also in WIN, even under full control permissions, you need to use ".\" before commands

".\make" instead of "make"

Step by step instructions for commiting a branch:

  1. create branch: git branch branchname git checkout branchname git status
  2. Apply changes git add docs/about/
  3. ./make autobuild
  4. commit via vscode and check GH git commit -m 'Commit message' git push --set-upstream origin test