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AROSICS - Automated and Robust Open-Source Image Co-Registration Software
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CRL.view_CoRegPoints get a SRS issue #31

Closed hulius7 closed 10 months ago

hulius7 commented 1 year ago


I managed to successfully register a 5m panchromatic image on a 10m sentinel-2 band, using global and local registration functions. Everything worked perfectly until I tried to plot the CoRegPoints.

I got this error: RuntimeError: Translating source or target SRS failed: EPSG:32632

This is the code:

CRL.view_CoRegPoints(hide_filtered=False, shapes2plot='vectors', figsize=(20, 20))

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[60], line 1
----> 1 CRL.view_CoRegPoints(hide_filtered=False, shapes2plot='vectors', figsize=(20, 20))

File ~\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\arosics\Lib\site-packages\arosics\, in COREG_LOCAL.view_CoRegPoints(self, shapes2plot, attribute2plot, cmap, exclude_fillVals, backgroundIm, hide_filtered, figsize, figsize_multiplier, title, vector_scale, savefigPath, savefigDPI, showFig, vmin, vmax, return_map)
    563     figsize = (figsize[0] * figsize_multiplier, figsize[1] * figsize_multiplier)
    565 # get a map showing the background image
--> 566 fig, ax = backgroundIm.show_map(figsize=figsize,
    567                                 nodataVal=self.nodata[1],
    568                                 return_map=True,
    569                                 band=self.COREG_obj.shift.band4match)
    571 # set figure title
    572 dict_attr_title = dict(
    573     X_WIN_SIZE='size of the matching window in x-direction [pixels]',
    574     Y_WIN_SIZE='size of the matching window in y-direction [pixels]',
    584     RELIABILITY='reliability of the computed shift vector'
    585 )

File ~\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\arosics\Lib\site-packages\geoarray\, in GeoArray.show_map(self, xlim, ylim, band, boundsMap, boundsMapPrj, out_epsg, figsize, interpolation, vmin, vmax, pmin, pmax, cmap, nodataVal, res_factor, return_map)
   1452 # get image to plot
   1453 # (reproject to LonLat as workaround in case self.epsg is None because cartopy relies on an existing EPSG code)
   1454 nodataVal = nodataVal if nodataVal is not None else self.nodata
-> 1455 gA2plot = GeoArray(*self._get_plottable_image(xlim, ylim, band,
   1456                                               boundsMap=boundsMap,
   1457                                               boundsMapPrj=boundsMapPrj,
   1458                                               res_factor=res_factor,
   1459                                               nodataVal=nodataVal,
   1460                                               # FIXME EPSG:4326 fails for extraterrestrial data
   1461                                               out_prj=self.epsg or 4326
   1462                                               ),
   1463                    nodata=nodataVal)
   1464 image2plot = gA2plot[:]
   1466 # create map

File ~\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\arosics\Lib\site-packages\geoarray\, in GeoArray._get_plottable_image(self, xlim, ylim, band, boundsMap, boundsMapPrj, res_factor, nodataVal, out_prj, ignore_rotation)
   1233 if xdim or ydim or out_prj:
   1234     from py_tools_ds.geo.raster.reproject import warp_ndarray
-> 1235     image2plot, gt, prj = warp_ndarray(image2plot, self.geotransform, self.projection,
   1236                                        out_XYdims=(xdim, ydim),
   1237                                        in_nodata=in_nodata,
   1238                                        out_nodata=out_nodata,
   1239                                        transformerOptions=transOpt,
   1240                                        out_prj=out_prj,
   1241                                        q=True)
   1242     if transOpt and 'NO_GEOTRANSFORM' in ','.join(transOpt):
   1243         image2plot = np.flipud(image2plot)

File ~\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\arosics\Lib\site-packages\py_tools_ds\geo\raster\, in warp_ndarray(ndarray, in_gt, in_prj, out_prj, out_dtype, out_gsd, out_bounds, out_bounds_prj, out_XYdims, rspAlg, in_nodata, out_nodata, in_alpha, out_alpha, targetAlignedPixels, gcpList, polynomialOrder, options, transformerOptions, warpOptions, CPUs, warpMemoryLimit, progress, q)
    447     in_ds = gdal.Translate(
    448         '', in_ds, format='MEM',
    449         outputSRS=get_SRS(out_prj),
    450         GCPs=gcpList,
    451         callback=ProgressBar(prefix='Translating progress', timeout=None) if progress and not q else None
    452     )
    453     # NOTE: options = ['SPARSE_OK=YES'] ## => what is that for?
    455 # GDAL Warp
--> 456 res_ds = gdal.Warp(
    457     '', in_ds, format='MEM',
    458     dstSRS=get_SRS(out_prj),
    459     outputType=get_GDT(out_dtype) if out_dtype else get_GDT(in_dtype_np),
    460     xRes=out_gsd[0],
    461     yRes=out_gsd[1],
    462     outputBounds=out_bounds,
    463     outputBoundsSRS=get_SRS(out_bounds_prj),
    464     width=out_XYdims[0],
    465     height=out_XYdims[1],
    466     resampleAlg=rspAlg,
    467     srcNodata=in_nodata,
    468     dstNodata=out_nodata,
    469     srcAlpha=in_alpha,
    470     dstAlpha=out_alpha,
    471     options=options if options else [],
    472     warpOptions=warpOptions or [],
    473     transformerOptions=transformerOptions or [],
    474     targetAlignedPixels=targetAlignedPixels,
    475     tps=True if gcpList else False,
    476     polynomialOrder=polynomialOrder,
    477     warpMemoryLimit=warpMemoryLimit,
    478     callback=ProgressBar(prefix='Warping progress    ', timeout=None) if progress and not q else None,
    479     callback_data=[0],
    480     errorThreshold=0.125,  # this is needed to get exactly the same output like the console version of GDAL warp
    481 )
    483 gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_NUM_THREADS', None)
    485 if res_ds is None:

File ~\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\arosics\Lib\site-packages\osgeo\, in Warp(destNameOrDestDS, srcDSOrSrcDSTab, **kwargs)
   1029 _WarnIfUserHasNotSpecifiedIfUsingExceptions()
   1031 if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)):
-> 1032     (opts, callback, callback_data) = WarpOptions(**kwargs)
   1033 else:
   1034     (opts, callback, callback_data) = kwargs['options']

File ~\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\arosics\Lib\site-packages\osgeo\, in WarpOptions(options, format, srcBands, dstBands, outputBounds, outputBoundsSRS, xRes, yRes, targetAlignedPixels, width, height, srcSRS, dstSRS, coordinateOperation, srcAlpha, dstAlpha, warpOptions, errorThreshold, warpMemoryLimit, creationOptions, outputType, workingType, resampleAlg, srcNodata, dstNodata, multithread, tps, rpc, geoloc, polynomialOrder, transformerOptions, cutlineDSName, cutlineLayer, cutlineWhere, cutlineSQL, cutlineBlend, cropToCutline, copyMetadata, metadataConflictValue, setColorInterpretation, overviewLevel, callback, callback_data)
   1009 if return_option_list:
   1010     return new_options
-> 1012 return (GDALWarpAppOptions(new_options), callback, callback_data)

File ~\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\arosics\Lib\site-packages\osgeo\, in GDALWarpAppOptions.__init__(self, *args)
   5404 def __init__(self, *args):
   5405     r"""__init__(GDALWarpAppOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALWarpAppOptions"""
-> 5406     _gdal.GDALWarpAppOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALWarpAppOptions(*args))

RuntimeError: Translating source or target SRS failed:
danschef commented 10 months ago

Sorry for the late reply, now I have some time left to look into this. However, I guess I need some sample data to reproduce it. Could you upload it somewhere?

hulius7 commented 10 months ago

Hi, thank you for the reply! I made some changes by switching to point mode and specifying the background as "tgt". However, apparently, everything is working just fine now, I just rerun the old code. It was most likely my mistake. Thank you very much for this amazing tool"

danschef commented 10 months ago

Ok, sounds like the issue is solved for now, so I close this here. Feel free to reopen if it comes up again.