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Yarp - Csp issue (blank page in swagger) when app deployed on prod server (not locally) #206

Open bitsdontbite opened 9 months ago

bitsdontbite commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug After deployment in DEV environment, hitting the swagger url of the app displays a blank page. Pressing F12 show the following error message in browser console: "Refused to send form data to '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "form-action 'self'".

To Reproduce Deploy any yarp generated with same guidance in DEV/TEST/ACC/PROD and just hit your swagger facade.

Expected behavior Authentication must succeed and the swaggger page must display correctly.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context

WORKAROUND In file SecurityHeaderCSP (in project Yarp / Host / Infrastructure folder), do not call the extension method AddDefaultSecurityHeaders(). Instead, copy the content of this method locally and comment the call to method AddFormAction().Self() - it is configured below in this file. It looks like double configuration is not supported. This issue does not happen in Development environment because the code of the extension method is by-passed for that environment.