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Work inside of components lost #14

Open KennethWilke opened 7 years ago

KennethWilke commented 7 years ago

I'm running v1.0.3 on Ubuntu 16.04, and have hit an issue several times where I lose some of the design inside a component. Generally the flow I was following was:

I hit this today while working on a seven segment driver; I built most of my design in the component, backed out to verify it was displaying numbers properly, and when I entered into the component many components and connections were gone, and one component I had deleted had returned. All of my input and output components did seem to remain in their place.

GGBRW commented 7 years ago

I’m really sorry to hear that. The componentize function was hard to create, and it does have some issues. A lot of things in the back-end are inefficient and not working well, and because I have gained much more programming experience, I’m planning to create BOOLR 2.0 that will be much faster, more reliable and beautiful :). I have a lot of amazing ideas, I think it’s going to be really awesome. And that bug, I will look at it today. If it’s easy to fix, I’ll fix it. If not, I’m sorry, you will have to wait until the amazing BOOLR 2.0 will release :)

KennethWilke commented 7 years ago

Hi @GGBRW, thanks for the prompt response. Is the 2.0 work happening out of this repo? I am impressed by the overall look and feel of BOOLR and would like to contribute where possible, but don't want to contribute to the wrong place :)