Closed dependabot-preview[bot] closed 6 years ago
Hi @dependabot!
In this project I am using git submodule for more convinient debugging. Does Dependabot support submodules?
Thank you!
First up, sorry for the duplicate issues. I'm not 100% sure what could have caused that. I've made some changes to our backend that should prevent it happening again, but if you see this again please let me know.
Secondly, Dependabot has limited support for submodules (it can fetch files one level deep in them). I'm going to take a look at expanding that now.
Hi @greysteil ,
Thank you very much for the quick response.
Sorry, the duplicate issue was created becuase I've tried to change Directory (I've deleted the project and added it once again, that's why the issue was create twice):
Regarding submodules - am I right that Dependabot will still find the new packages even if the submodule project is missing?
Thank you
Regarding submodules - am I right that Dependabot will still find the new packages even if the submodule project is missing?
Not at the moment, because for some languages having all of the files is a requirement to do resolution (.NET doesn't fall into that category, but the Dependabot restriction is applied to all languages).
I'm going to take a look at expanding our submodule support now, though, so should be able to get something working today.
Thank you @greysteil , I've starred Dependabot's repository as really helpful for me.
FYI, I made this change to Dependabot's logic for .NET. It will now happily create PRs for the dependencies in this repo, ignoring those that are pulled in from submodules.
Thanks for tagging me on this one, and helping make Dependabot better!
Thank you for very quick fix!
Dependabot couldn't find a Ghpr.Core.csproj for this project.
Dependabot requires a Ghpr.Core.csproj to evaluate your project's current Dotnet dependencies. It had expected to find one at the path:
.If this isn't a Dotnet project, or if it is a library, you may wish to disable updates for it from within Dependabot.
You can mention @dependabot in the comments below to contact the Dependabot team.