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Include a reference to the INSPIRE Spatial Object Type in the dataset-level ATOM feed #3

Open stijngoedertier opened 6 years ago

stijngoedertier commented 6 years ago

According to TG Requirement 28, the ATOM feeds should include a reference to the spatial object type(s). <atom:link href="" rel="describedby" type="text/html"/>

The object types should be taken from the INSPIRE Registry

This information should be included in the dataset metadata record as a keyword #MD_KeywordTypeCode from a thesaurus. This must be documented in the code.

stijngoedertier commented 6 years ago

The spatial object type can be encoded using a gmx:Anchor element, as in the example below.

            <gmx:Anchor xlink:href="">ProtectedSite</gmx:Anchor>
            <gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="theme"/>
                    <gco:CharacterString>INSPIRE feature concept dictionary</gco:CharacterString>

The attached SKOS code list can be imported into GeoNetwork as a thesaurus. It was converted from the RDF output in the INSPIRE Registry and converted into SKOS using this SPARQL query:

PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX dcat: <>
PREFIX adms: <>
?cs a skos:ConceptScheme.
?cs ?csp ?cso.
?c a skos:Concept.
?cs skos:hasTopConcept ?c.
?c skos:inScheme ?cs.
?c skos:prefLabel ?cLabel.
?c dct:description ?cDesc.
?c dcat:theme ?theme.
    ?cs a dcat:Dataset.
    ?cs ?csp ?cso.
    FILTER(?csp = dct:description || ?csp = dct:title).
    ?cs dct:hasPart ?c.
    ?c a ? <>.
    ?c dct:identifier ?cLabel.
    ?c dcat:theme ?theme.
    ?c dct:description ?cDesc.
    ?c adms:status <>.