GIS4WRF / gis4wrf

QGIS toolkit 🧰 for pre- and post-processing 🔨, visualizing 🔍, and running simulations 💻 in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model 🌀
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"unsupported axis order: lat/lon" while converting an imported tiff file from arcmap #165

Closed melika1389 closed 3 years ago

melika1389 commented 4 years ago

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letmaik commented 4 years ago

Can you please fill in the issue template?

melika1389 commented 4 years ago

Hello there, I need to create the input files of wrf-hydro with WPS. The dataset that I am using is not within the common datasets of WPS. I was trying to convert the clipped tiff file that I had created in ArcMap to binaries using gis4wrf. The only steps that I have taken until now are: 1- Opening the raster files and defining their geographical information system as wps84 2- I had separate rasters, so using the mosaic to new raster, I merged them. 3- I had the shapefile of my region, so I clipped the raster and then added the geographical information system again and exported the file to a new tiff file. 4- Using add raster layer in qgis, I imported the file. 5- In the GIS4WRF, using the Datasets tab and then Process tab, I converted the active layer to binaries. 6- Then it asked me if the layer is categorical, and I responded no. As my raster dataset is a dem file. 7- Next, it asked me to select the WPS Binary File Output folder, and I selected it, and I faced the following error. GIS4WRF-Unsupported feature Unsupported axis order:Lat/Lon, must be Lon/Lat. Interesting in making GIS4WRF better? Consider contributing code or adding a feature request.

When I am looking at the layer in qgis everything is fine, and qgis can recognize it, but it even does not allow me to export the tiff file. I am using windows 10 and qgis 3.10.2. 9

letmaik commented 4 years ago

Which coordinate reference system does the layer have?

melika1389 commented 4 years ago

It is WGS84 - EPSG 4326

dmey commented 4 years ago

@melika1389 please ensure that your GEOTIFF axis are ordered Lon/Lat. rather than Lat/Lon

pratiman-91 commented 3 years ago

I am also having the same problem. How can we check for the GeoTIFF axis are ordered Lon/Lat rather than Lat/Lon? If it is ordered Lon/Lat then how to convert it to Lat/Lon?

Any help is appreciated.

FYI: I tested it with the QGIS version 3.4.15. The plugin works fine and it produces the correct files. I do not know what is wrong with the newer version.

sampr7 commented 3 years ago

I am also having the same problem in QGIS 3.14.15 gis4wrf version 0.14.3

letmaik commented 3 years ago

Thanks everyone for providing feedback. I reproduced the issue and a fix will be in the next gis4wrf version. A temporary work-around is to use a QGIS version which uses GDAL < 3 (see Help -> About).