GIS4WRF / gis4wrf

QGIS toolkit 🧰 for pre- and post-processing 🔨, visualizing 🔍, and running simulations 💻 in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model 🌀
MIT License
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subtab locked #179

Closed madoufanchon closed 3 years ago

madoufanchon commented 3 years ago


I try tu use the plugin GIS4WRF but I can't use it I download the data NCAR, but I can't analyse it The subtab stay locked, so I can't select anything

sub tab : dataset > Met > Product (inacessible)

InkedAnnotation 2020-08-19 115459_LI

sincerely yours @dmey

dmey commented 3 years ago

I cannot see any issues at my end -- can you confirm that you have configured the Integration with NCAR's Research Data Archive, see You need to register with NCAR first and then add your username and password to GIS4WRF.

madoufanchon commented 3 years ago

@dmey I confirm the integration with NCAR

I'm receiving this error message : error python

best regards

dmey commented 3 years ago

Can you access from your browser? If you can, please check the username and password you used in GIS4WRF as it's likely incorrect. If you cannot access from your browser it is likely due to your network (e.g. blocked by firewall, etc)

madoufanchon commented 3 years ago

Hello @dmey

I close to finish the tuturial but I have an other error with subset simulation > run I have two errors with metgrid and geo grid

Software can't open index GEOGRID error_geogrid METGRID error_metgrid

I wonder if you propose some formations for the plugin ?

Sincerely yours

dmey commented 3 years ago

The error show a problem with opening the gmted 2010 dataset, but I don;t use that in the tutorial. Make sure that you are configuring the geographical datasets sections correctly. Try going through the tutorial again and make sure that you follow each step exactly. And not at the moment due to time constraints but feel free to open issues or even contribute to the documentation by sending pull requests.

madoufanchon commented 3 years ago

hello @dmey

I tried four times, i uninstall but the problem still there You said don't use gmted 2010 but when i check tutorial, it is included in datas downloads


sincerely yours

dmey commented 3 years ago

The error you showed me above shows that you are using the one at 30 s resolution not the one at 5 min like described in the tutorial. image

So all I can suggest is to rerun the tutorial carefully and make sure that lowres is selected for both domains as shown in the figure below.


madoufanchon commented 3 years ago

I select it for both could you take remote control of my computer (screen sharing) and check it

because I can be sure I did all like you discribe it

dmey commented 3 years ago

Please try to change the working directory for GIS4WRF to a folder without spaces e.g. C:\Users\franc\Documents\gis4wrf. You can do this fro QGIS > Settings > Options > GIS4WRF > Working Directory. Then restart QGIS and do the tutorial again from scratch (including downloading all data). This should do the trick. Let me know how it goes.

letmaik commented 3 years ago

I would suggest not to put the gis4wrf folder inside the OneDrive folder, worth a try...

madoufanchon commented 3 years ago

hello @dmey

I finish the tutorials Thank you for all advices and patience Let me know when you can make formation

I start to understand some little things I would like try an other simulation but i'm not sure to fixe well all parameters

Sincerely yours