GIS4WRF / gis4wrf

QGIS toolkit 🧰 for pre- and post-processing 🔨, visualizing 🔍, and running simulations 💻 in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model 🌀
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Use new RDA download APIs; was: Meteorological data missing for 2021 onwards #228

Closed daterma closed 2 years ago

daterma commented 2 years ago


ds083.3 meteorological data in the Dataset> Met menu does not allow to download data for the year 2021 and part of 2020.

I manually downloaded the data NCEP GDAS 0.25 Degree Analysis Grids for 2021 on at the following link

WRF Issue

With this data I ran Geogrib, Ungrib, Metgrid and Real without problems, while Run WRF gave me the following error: Quilting with 1 groups of 0 I/O tasks. Ntasks in X 2 , ntasks in Y 2 ************************************* Configuring physics suite 'conus' mp_physics: 0* 0* cu_physics: 0* 0* ra_lw_physics: 4 4 ra_sw_physics: 4 4 bl_pbl_physics: 2 2 sf_sfclay_physics: 2 2 sf_surface_physics: 2 2 (* = option overrides suite setting) ************************************* WRF V4.0 MODEL ************************************* Parent domain ids,ide,jds,jde 1 31 1 31 ims,ime,jms,jme -4 22 -4 22 ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 15 1 15 ************************************* DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate alloc_space_field: domain 1 , 27804260 bytes allocated RESTART run: opening wrfrst_d01_2021-01-01_00_00_00 for reading -------------- FATAL CALLED --------------- program wrf: error opening wrfrst_d01_2021-01-01_00_00_00 for reading ------------------------------------------- System Information - OS: Windows 10 - QGIS: 3.22.2
daterma commented 2 years ago

Any ideas to fix it? Thanks

dmey commented 2 years ago

You are repoting two uncorrelated issues. I can have a look at the first next week --sorry no time this week. The second seems a WRF configuration issue, not something to do with GIS4WRF. I would recommend checking how to configure namelists in the WRF users' guide. If you are still having issues after that, try to ask someone on the WRF & MPAS-A Support Forum.

daterma commented 2 years ago

OK, thanks a lot. I await your information on the first problem.

letmaik commented 2 years ago

gis4wrf uses RDA's API to query datasets which includes their start/end dates. I attached the output for which has enddate at maximum in 2020. So this is clearly an issue with RDA and I suggest reporting the issue to NCAR. There's nothing we can do from our side.


letmaik commented 2 years ago

Correction: The API we use currently seems to have been replaced by a new one in RDA that is JSON-based. The old API is still functional but is not updated with new data anymore. So the solution would be to transition gis4wrf to the new API:!apps_api_desc

daterma commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the support. Do we have to wait for GIS4WRF update?

letmaik commented 2 years ago

No, go to Simulation -> Data tab and import your own data with "Use Custom Dataset" at the bottom.

letmaik commented 2 years ago

@daterma The new release is out now and uses the new RDA API. If you find a bug, please open a new issue. Thanks again for reporting!