GIScience / openrouteservice-app-legacy

OpenRouteService is an online route planning application that is based on open source software, open data and open standards.
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[ORS WIKI/API] Update OpenLS Interface description and direct GET URL API query #165

Closed riccardoklinger closed 9 years ago

riccardoklinger commented 9 years ago

Hi guys,

first: great work!

I am in contact with Enrico Steiger about building a QGIS plugin with ORS. As a cornerstone I am using the descriptions in the OSM wiki: It is stated you can get a xml response (like those from the routing API) by simply curl the following site and/or alter it for the desired address.,%20Berliner%20Strasse&MaxResponse=20

Unfortunately this isn't working. I have build a workaround and creating now a request and analyze the response like described here:

Can you alter the description in the wiki or open up the API?

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hey Riccardo, thanks for pointing this out, I will update the ORS wiki asap. However since we added lots of new route profiles and additonal parameters I would suggest to always use our RESTful Web OpenLS Services. A latest request schema can be found here:

Alternatively you can also use a Browser debugging tool (e.g.Firebug) to test OpenLS queries and responses within

riccardoklinger commented 9 years ago

Hi Enrico ,,

ATM I am making a direct call against with a designed request document/xls:

url = ""
text='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xls:XLS xmlns:xls="" xmlns:sch="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.1"><xls:RequestHeader/><xls:Request methodName="GeocodeRequest" requestID="123456789" version="1.1"><xls:GeocodeRequest><xls:Address countryCode="DE"><xls:freeFormAddress>' + start_address + '</xls:freeFormAddress></xls:Address></xls:GeocodeRequest></xls:Request></xls:XLS>'
req = urllib2.Request(url=url, 
    headers={'Content-Type': 'application/xml'})
#tidy up response
newstr = response_start.replace("\n", "")
response_start = newstr.replace("  ", "")
xml = ElementTree.fromstring(response_start)
for child in xml[1][0]:
    numberOfHits = child.attrib["numberOfGeocodedAddresses"]
    print numberOfHits

The plugin is located here

ghost commented 9 years ago

has been updated see and ORS contact page