Open stefanocudini opened 3 years ago
I suppose that this bug causes error to compiling .war in all old versions published in dockerhub
Same error here, any ideas or work around to this issues?
What I did was to download missing dependencies and manually install them in my local maven repository. It helps, however using remote repository would be much easier.
Same error here, any ideas or work around to this issues?
the problem I suppose is http(not ssl) artifactory repos
I didn't even know it was compiling inside the docker container. Why isn't the war file deployed as such? I worked around this by using a running container with an already compiled war file, committed it, and made a new image out of it. Anyway this compiling inside the docker container makes it very brittle as shown by this problem, and defeats the purpose of Docker somehow.
i am using docker hub image 6.3.6 which suddenly seems plagued with this problem.
from which docker version was the problem solved?
Failed to transfer file with status code 308