The Global Ionosphere/Thermosphere Model
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[DOC] Improve documentation #18

Open abukowski21 opened 5 days ago

abukowski21 commented 5 days ago

[DOC]: GITM's documentation is severely outdated

Some sections are not correct anymore, the #DYNAMO section for example:


does not match the number of inputs in src/set_inputs.f90

      case ("#DYNAMO")
        call read_in_logical(UseDynamo, iError)
        if (UseDynamo) then
          call read_in_real(DynamoHighLatBoundary, iError)
          call read_in_int(nItersMax, iError)
          call read_in_real(MaxResidual, iError)
          call read_in_logical(IncludeCowling, iError)
          call read_in_real(DynamoLonAverage, iError)
        end if
        if (iError /= 0) then
          write(*, *) 'Incorrect format for #DYNAMO:'
          write(*, *) ''
          write(*, *) '#DYNAMO'
          write(*, *) "UseDynamo              (logical)"
          write(*, *) "DynamoHighLatBoundary  (real)"
          write(*, *) "nItersMax              (integer)"
          write(*, *) "MaxResidual            (V,real)"
          write(*, *) "IncludeCowling         (logical)"
          write(*, *) "DynamoLonAverage       (real)"
        end if