R package for basic GLM model running
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new mac version #96

Closed jordansread closed 9 years ago

jordansread commented 9 years ago
       |  General Lake Model (GLM)   Version 2.1.6    |
--help  : show this blurb
--nml <nmlfile> : get parameters from nmlfile
[1] 0
jordansread commented 9 years ago

@lawinslow what should the GLMr package version be? I'll let you take care of that if you want to change it.

lawinslow commented 9 years ago

Nice. I like this new UWA and USGS pipeline.

jordansread commented 9 years ago


lawinslow commented 9 years ago

You can leave version as-is. Doesn't matter what it is, as long as it increases as we update things.

lawinslow commented 9 years ago

and I incremented it with the win version.

jordansread commented 9 years ago

seg fault on demo run:

sim_folder <- run_example_sim(verbose = FALSE)
sh: line 1: 17120 Segmentation fault: 11  '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library/GLMr/exec/macglm' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

we are working on it. Keep this open.

jordansread commented 9 years ago

we should also probably try to figure out why this didn't get caught in the travis OSX build checks/tests

jordansread commented 9 years ago

wonder if we are having issues for win still:

jordansread commented 9 years ago

may just be the stuff I am doing w/ glmtools currently.

lawinslow commented 9 years ago

Ok, want to build and test for OS X the version that's now up? v2.1.7. Should fix the segfault issue.

jordansread commented 9 years ago

good to go @lawinslow

lawinslow commented 9 years ago
