GLIMS-RGI / lake_terminating

A database of lake-terminating categories for the RGI
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make a command-line script for joining lake inventory to RGI outlines #2

Closed iamdonovan closed 6 months ago

iamdonovan commented 6 months ago

Used Billy's script to make a command-line tool that will assign the term_type flag using an existing lake inventory.

Biggest difference to previous script is using gdf.estimate_utm_crs to estimate a UTM CRS before buffering, otherwise allows user to specify any EPSG code.

Have tested on both RGI region 8 (Scandinavia) using Andreassen et al.'s 2014 lake outlines, and on all of RGI region 1 (Alaska) using Rick et al.'s proglacial lake outlines + EPSG:3338 (Alaska Albers).

armstrwa commented 6 months ago

Thanks for this, Bob - I quickly reviewed the script but haven't tested it on my own computer. It is much cleaner and nice to have a command-line tool. Big improvements for wider use to have the UTM zone assigned automatically as well as skipping the initial loop to generate terminus position multipoint geometry.