GLIMS-RGI / rgi_issue_tracker

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RGI16 (Low Latitudes, SA): Some outlines could be improved (A. Rabatel) #33

Open fmaussion opened 2 years ago

fmaussion commented 2 years ago

Here is his review:

Venezuela = OK

Colombia = from North to South -Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta = OK -Sierra Nevada de El Coque = OK -Ice caped volcanoes (Nevada del Ruiz, Nevado Santa Isabel, Nevado de Tolima, Nevado del Huila) = extension OK but sub-division by catchment is incomplete or missing

Ecuador: -Ice caped volcanoes (Cayambe, Artisan, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Altar, Sangay) = extension OK except for Altar and Sangay where it could be somehow adjusted in some places. Sub-division by catchment is incomplete or missing

Border between Chile and Bolivia: Parinacota ice cap is incomplete (G290855E18174S)