GLServers / GLD

Great Light Desert - Operation: Revive
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Custom Plugin Idea: Battle Rating #38

Closed Joannou1 closed 9 years ago

Joannou1 commented 9 years ago

Major Plugin:

-Depending on items in inventory, armour/weapons, enchantments, mcmmo combat skills (for weapon(s) in inventory), a player will receive some sort of 'rating' (A number) that will be used/compared against other players to determine if PVP is allowed.

-Hooks into WorldGuard to create a flag to zone where this is applied to.

-Override toggle command to disable your protection against higher levels.

(Idea: To make it more fair loot-wise, if a player has a low rating, but has >X amount of valuable items, it adds to their rating, possibly making it so they can get killed.)

Joannou1 commented 9 years ago

After a heated debate, this is probably not a great option... And it's pretty complicated.

Jeremy: pvptimer joan [7:22:41 AM] Joannou1: yes.. here's what I think may end up happening [7:23:00 AM] Joannou1: An initial spawn, similar to whichever one we choose that is somehow isolated [7:23:10 AM] Joannou1: pvp is disabled for the noob for say an hour [7:23:19 AM] Joannou1: and they are far away from the main spawn pvp area [7:23:54 AM] Joannou1: they can at least then build a home somewhere and get going with playing so that at least if they get killed after that they stay [7:24:13 AM] Joannou1: like I said, most noobs run out, get slaughtered and quit