GLServers / GLD

Great Light Desert - Operation: Revive
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Donator Rank Names #40

Closed Jeremy9600 closed 9 years ago

Jeremy9600 commented 9 years ago

Sand Traveler

VIP ~ Sand Adventurer






Desert Sage

Dark King ~ Desert King

Dark Lord ~ Desert Lord

Risen Titan ~ Pharaoh

Joannou1 commented 9 years ago

All good suggestions, still open to more ideas though!

Kerrus commented 9 years ago

I'll just append my list to this.

I'll also note that I think that a lot of the GLD rank names are a little outdated, and could do with, A, pruning, and B, changing their names.

Wanderer - Basic Rank <-- Start as this rank Skilled Wanderer - Advanced Rank (15$ for three months)

Mercenary - Basic Rank (5000 igc) Mercenary Commander - Advanced Rank (25$ for 3 months)

Hunter - Basic Rank (10,000 igc) Hunt-Team Leader - Advanced Rank (35$ for 3 months)

Nomad - Basic Rank (20,000 igc) Nomad Captain - Advanced Rank (45$ for 3 months)

Mystic - Basic Rank (40,000 igc) Legendary Mystic - Advanced Rank (55$ for 3 months)

Joannou1 commented 9 years ago

I quite like these rank names. I wonder if we can still re-use one GLD rank name for fun though? (ST or something maybe)

Kerrus commented 9 years ago

Maybe drop hunter/hunt-leader, bump nomad down to its rank, and then insert Desert Sage/Dark King as a normal/premium rank, with the capstone being mystic/legendary mystic.

Maybe some other changes, and make it so that the advanced ranks are more in line with the old ranks, but with new flavour to tie it together. So something a little like this:

Normal Rank // Paid Rank

Wanderer // Adventurer

Mercenary // Commander

Nomad // Captain

Desert Sage // Dark King

Ancient Sage // Legendary Mystic

Cbjax commented 9 years ago

I like the names but instead of Commander can we use Pokey? If you don't know what a Pokey is then take a look I think most people will know what it is once they see the pic.

Kerrus commented 9 years ago

random mario reference? eh, not a huge fan sorry.

Joannou1 commented 9 years ago

yeah same, a little bit niche/odd

Joannou1 commented 9 years ago

Seems like the rank names are fairly solid at this point. They've been setup in game and look quite good.

Thanks Kerrus for the names and setting them up!