GLServers / GLD

Great Light Desert - Operation: Revive
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General Rules & Staff Rules (Thanks to Kerrus) #62

Closed Jeremy9600 closed 9 years ago

Jeremy9600 commented 9 years ago

Rule zero: This server is aimed at all ages, and we intend for it to be a welcoming play environment. Leave your personal grudges, biases, and the like at the door. Any hate speech, any form of explicit behaviour, links, comments or their like are not tolerated.

Rule 1. This server is a PVP and griefing legal. While a certain amount of trash talk between players is expected- or even encouraged, if you have a serious grievance with a player please keep your comments to private messages. If your grievance involves a rules violation of any sort, please report it to a staff member as soon as you are able.

Rule 2. Hacking, cheats, exploits and their ilk are prohibited. Any attempt to duplicate items will not be tolerated, and players will be punished accordingly. Bare in mind that though it may feel very liberating to have some sort of hacked advantage, that you are causing great harm to the experience of other players in doing so. So please don't.

Rule 3. We reserve the right to enforce our afk timer so as to encourage actual play of the game. Any sort of automation of processes- botting or the like- will result in your afk player being kicked from the server if we deem that you aren't actually behind the keyboard.

Rule 4. Illegal actions are illegal. Any action that is illegal in the real world can be assumed to be illegal on the server. This includes making personal threats of any sort against other players, threatening to or committing illegal actions such as cybercrimes, or even just general bad behaviour such as bullying, fraud, blackmail or other such actions that ruin the game experience for the other players.

If you establish a consistent pattern of bad behaviour, we reserve the right to remove you from the server for the good of the community until such time as you can play without causing problems.

Staff Rules

Rule One:

Do not share any information that has been discussed in any of the staff calls. If we find you sharing any information between any player that isn't part of the team, you will be stripped of your rank and possibly punished further, depending on what you had shared.

Rule Two:

Do not abuse any of the powers that you have been given as a staff member. You are given these powers to enforce, not to abuse or play around with. If you are caught abusing your powers then you will be stripped of your rank and punished further, depending on what you have abused and how extreme it was.

(Will edit when/if Kerrus makes more staff rules)

Kladdkaka commented 9 years ago


Joannou1 commented 9 years ago

Added and implemented. General rules is given out in the starter kit, and treated as a lore book.

Staff book is in the /kit staff and is a normal book.