GLServers / GLD

Great Light Desert - Operation: Revive
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PvP and War on the server #68

Open SilverRegretz opened 9 years ago

SilverRegretz commented 9 years ago

I feel that GLD 3.0 should retain the aggressiveness of gameplay on the server.

I think it would be good if PvP is made on all the time in towns. This way, players will have to actually protect themselves even when they are in their own town. Imagine towns conducting mini skirmishes on other towns to damage their economy,wouldn't that be more exciting?

Now about war. Whenever I think about war in minecraft, the things that come to my mind are a large group of people fighting, and tnt cannons. I believe that is the true definition of war. Thus i have a few ideas on how war should be like in GLD. Firstly, why not make war something towns declare, or even, nations declare on one another. Instead of scheduled war, it would be more cool if the attacking town members travel to their target and plant a flag to declare war. War can only be declared if at least one person is online in that particular town. The basis of this is to make war a challenge and not like the usual "Oh its war lets go to a town a use creeper eggs to blow all the chest up." while after some time later the poor player logs back in to see all their stuff destroyed and he could not have done anything about it.

War should also be fair. It is not fair for a town that has been playing for a super long time having a tremendous advantage to the point where it cannot even be damaged. Im referring to rich towns who can afford to seal their entire area with obsidian walls. How is it even fair? The only way for these towns to get attacked is to compass abuse. (Which is extremely disgusting, yes ive fell victim for this twice that i have to move towns on both occasions, AND which is going to be removed, so i heard from Joannou) WHICH MAKES OBSIDIAN SEALED TOWNS IMPREGNABLE. So yeah I think it defeats the purpose of war at all.

Going into details about the planting flag to declare war thingy. This is how Ive seen some war servers work, and i think is an extremely good idea. Firstly, an "Army" from Town A goes to Town B, and plants a fence post (Thats what they use for flags) on a plot of land. That plot of land is then contested, If the defenders manage to defend, the attacks lose, and if not, the attackers will take control of that land and get money from that town. Maybe its possible to make this work?

These are just some ideas I had and maybe it would be more fun in pvp to have rpg classes and skills?

Jeremy9600 commented 9 years ago

Compass was removed years ago.

I completely agree, though. Maybe not "go to this town and place a flag", rather just a simple command like "/t war (townname)" or something along the lines of that, but, yes, I do agree anyways.