GLServers / GLD

Great Light Desert - Operation: Revive
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Spawners #8

Open Joannou1 opened 9 years ago

Joannou1 commented 9 years ago

Needs input.

If we can get the mob stacker plugin, that will solve the lag department... ...But the effects on PVP and the economy still remain to be seen.

If we have plugins that utilize materials from mobs from grinders, then spawners will have to become harder to get.

Kladdkaka commented 9 years ago

If we find a way to modify the enchantment algorithm, then I think it would be a great idea that silk touch is harder to get. And you can mine spawners by using a silk touch pickaxe on a spawner, and the pickaxe breaks instantly & it cost a amount of money, and also we could make so it's a 33% chance it works :P I think that would be quite balanced

Joannou1 commented 9 years ago

Yeah that would be really cool to do that... need to note it down to look into it! to the misc post

Joannou1 commented 9 years ago

Currently finding a way to modify the enchantment algorithm may be difficult... But if it can be done, we could allow for mineable spawners to be a thing, but set this really low:

Percentage of dropping the spawner when mined

silkDropChance: 100

Kladdkaka commented 9 years ago

I found a way to change the algorithm :p