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[Enhancement] Support Fedora Workstation Installations #18

Open penach0 opened 3 months ago

penach0 commented 3 months ago


I'm currently in a sub-optimal situation where I have Quartus installed on a Ubuntu virtual machine since I didn't know how to install it on my Fedora host.

This setup is becoming more cumbersome as time goes by so I figured I could try building a script based on this one to solve this.

One main issue I see upfront is the fact that the package manager differs between the distributions, and these mundane issues are not as well documented around the web for Fedora as they usually are for Ubuntu, but maybe with a list of the required dependencies and procedures it can be adapted.

Another naive concern I have is: How do I test it? Do I just boot up a virtual machine each time I want to run a script in development, or is there a more robust sandbox environment for this? Reason being I obviously don't want to mess up my system by testing the script by trial and error.

Hope this is reasonable, also I must add I'll need to up my bash for this, so help on this will also be appreciated.

miguelovila commented 3 months ago

Hey @penach0,

Thanks for jumping in to help with the project! Getting our script working smoothly on a Fedora environment is easy. This is all about setting up Quartus Prime Lite and making sure it plays nice with Fedora. Here’s how you can crack it:

Scout for Dependencies: First up, you'll need to figure out what Quartus Prime Lite needs to run on Fedora. There's some digging to do, but don’t worry, I've got a couple of resources for you:

Check out the Quartus Free package on AUR here: Peek at the Quartus System Requirements on Intel’s site:

Try to install it manually: I would advise you to start by trying install quartus prime manually . Once you get it working you can advance for the next step.

Tweak the Script: Now, drop a new file named fedora in the development folder. This is where you’ll add all the Fedora-specific magic—dependencies, configs, you name it.

Merge Magic: Use our script builder to merge your shiny new Fedora script with the template.

Test Drive: Before we call it a win, take it for a spin on a VM with a fresh Fedora setup. This is the ultimate test to make sure everything's looking good.

Understanding and changing the can be helpful for saving time as you can make it so that quartus is only downloaded once and lets you test this faster.

Your help is super appreciated, and this project's gonna be all the better for it! If you hit a snag or have a question, just contact me.