GLYCAM-Web / gmml

Glycam Molecular Modeling Library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Test number 016 fails to remain consistent between container and bare metal #155

Open Pshepp opened 1 year ago

Pshepp commented 1 year ago

The svg files generated by differs slightly in size between generating from bare metal vs in the docker containers. Pretty sure it is only 0.svg that is messed up

I have no idea about this, but am willing to bet we can better constrain our svg files so they remain the same sizes no matter what. I have no idea how to deal with this, so its up to Olli :japanese_ogre:

gitoliver commented 1 year ago

This test doesn't/hasn't ever passed outside of the dev env for these reasons: In /includes/InputSet/CondensedSequence/graphVizDotConfig.hpp the hardcoded path that contains the pre-generated SNFG symbol svg files that get loaded in to make the diagram is, well, hardcoded and only works in the dev env: this->svg_directorypath = "/programs/gems/gmml/includes/MolecularMetadata/Sugars/SNFG_Symbol_Images/"; I didn't bother trying to make it a relative path, or to deal with sys environment variables because of the second issue: This test would also require that this works on your bare metal: dot -Tsvg:cairo:cairo $dotFile -o $dotFileName.svg So some packages need to be installed. I had issues when I tried to install them on my machine and use relative paths for the pre-generated icon svg files. It may be that the resulting svg files were slightly different, or I just couldn't get the cario packages to work the same/install. I can't remember, I've just lived with this test failing on my machine and will continue to live with it.