GLYCAM-Web / website

A bare-bones repo to contain public website stuff and issues related to the GLYCAM Web Django apps.
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Tool that allows users to select a polysaccharide template and simply edit the repeat count. #178

Open danwentworthart opened 5 months ago

danwentworthart commented 5 months ago

We have a prototype for this, and it is temporarily named "Polysaccharide Modeler." This may change.

The prototype shows 4 common polysaccharide templates. User selects a template, sets a repeat count, and that is all that is needed to start the build. If rotamer selection is possible, user will visit the options page.

We are asking for assistance gathering what is needed to add more templates. If you have the needed information for anything below, simply responding in the comments with the data is enough and we can take it from there.


We need the following for each template:

  1. Glycam condensed sequence. (We can help if needed.)
  2. Name
  3. Repeating Unit label
  4. pub_chem url
  5. wikipedia url

Example: Cellulose Glycam condensed sequence : [4DGlcpb1-] Name : Cellulose Repeating Unit label : [4-Glc-b-1-] pub_chem url : wikipedia url :

We would like to have this data for the following, but if you have others you would like added, feel free to contribute.

Algal origin:

Microbial origin:

