GLYCAM-Web / website

A bare-bones repo to contain public website stuff and issues related to the GLYCAM Web Django apps.
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Suspected Caching on Glycam Actual causing site to break. #202

Open gitoliver opened 5 days ago

gitoliver commented 5 days ago

When using Brave on actual when I try to build anything it gets stuck trying to load on the options page. I see a 404 error: If I try in a private tab or in Firefox actual works fine. I have no idea how often this is occurring for users.

We need to somehow force cache flushes? The relevant part of that answer being: You should set proper cache control headers so that you don't have this problem again in the future. Rather than making browsers guess how long they can cache pages, you should explicitly tell them.

For a site based on Apache, you can put something like this in your .htaccess file:

Default caching: 1 day

Header set Cache-Control "max-age=84600, public"

Resource caching: 1 week

<FilesMatch ".(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg|webp|pdf|js|css)$"> Header set Cache-Control "max-age=592200, public"

That would mean that everybody gets new HTML within 24 hours and changes to images and scripts with in a week. I usually recommend longer cache times for resources because changes to them can be forced by using version parameters on their URLs.

Tool: with DManpa1-OH (or anything)

danwentworthart commented 3 days ago

We have been avoiding caching issues in the past by renaming the CSS file. New file name causes it to load. Perhaps this behavior doesn't work in Brave. I will test and see.

I can implement what you shared, but the advantage to the filename edit is that it changes when it needs to, rather than some arbitrary guess at a time span.

If I can preserve the benefits I describe I will, otherwise I can fall back on the advice you shared.