GM-Script-Writer-62850 / PHP-Scanner-Server

Allows you to use your Linux install as a web based scanner server thus allowing you to scan with any web enabled device; Now supports server side printing! (As of 1.4.11)
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ZIP-Download of scanned files not working #14

Closed andi-blafasl closed 11 years ago

andi-blafasl commented 11 years ago

When I try to download a scanned image as ZIP-File my browser (Chrome or IE) only gets a file with about 50k and no extension. I'm using lighttpd as webserver with php fastcgi. There is nothing in the logs, but maybe I have to change php logging a little bit.

btw: I have installed your script in a sub directory of my webroot and the "home" link point to the root, not to the sub-director. May be there are some more issues because of the sub directory installation?

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 11 years ago

The only possible issue i know of with it being in mysite.local/scanner/ is links on the 404 error page not going to /scanner/ All links/paths are relative only possible issue i know of is out of disk space in /tmp/ that is where the zip file is made there is a shell command on line 78 of download.php

edit: found the extension issue as a quick fix you can add .".zip" right before the last comma on line 79 i don't think that will cause the 50k issue, 50k sounds a bit arbitrary to me it is probably file size limit in a config file

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 11 years ago

Fix committed for the missing file extension (along with several other enhancements)

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 11 years ago

have you tracked down that zip issue, does it work from the terminal/ssh?

andi-blafasl commented 11 years ago

I just tracked down the zip issue. ZIP was missing on my pi, just had unzip installed. Excuse my stupidity ;-)

I also checked out the latest git version to see if the extension error was gone.

If you download multiple files as a zip file it is working as expected. But if you try to download a single file compressed, you get the file compressed but without the .zip extension. I tested a .png file and got a .png file for download. After renaming it to .zip instead of .png I could open it with 7zip :-)

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 11 years ago

kinda surprised zip was not installed be default surprised you got 50 kb without zip being installed also please try the new version (1.3-7)

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 11 years ago

Fix committed in download.php Solution: Provide terminal output

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 11 years ago

Wish you told me i did not fix it successfully, i got it this time

andi-blafasl commented 11 years ago

Sorry for not testing your new releases immediately ;-) I have little time because I bought a new house. Now I have to sign contracts and check insurance and financial etc

Will check your latest version asap and give feedback :+1:

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 11 years ago

Congrats on your house I think i have all the issues ironed out, but i would like to add imgur albums to the uploads box before i release 1.3-8 hoping imgur will take a suggestion i gave them for albums that will help me integrate it better