GMDevinity / FloodIssues

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Extending the Smart Weld feature #561

Open CounterCraftz opened 5 years ago

CounterCraftz commented 5 years ago

This is from this thread since I think it would be a good idea to consider

Just a bit of a tl;dr Players have been spending a lot of time welding boats than building them and it's sometimes difficult to weld props that are buried deep into the sand which can make it difficult to improvise creative builds

I think it would be a cool idea to extend our smart weld tool that would allow players to select/highlight props within a certain radius (like the weld distance that we have) and then weld them using some hotkey like SHIFT + Left Click (select) and the normal right click to weld

I can't really think of anything that would be discouraging for players by allowing this but it might also be a way to encourage newer players to use the smart weld tool so that they can focus on their builds more

Lime1248 commented 5 years ago

To give some of my background knowledge on this, welding doesn't take a significant portion of a player's time when it comes to building. That really only happens if you are indecisive on what you should be building. If anything, most players will create the core of their boat and weld it, then add additional props and weld it again to complete it. But since we are also including newer players then that decisiveness factor makes much more sense. Technically the new player guide should cover the most efficient way of welding in time. Welding takes the most time when you build a large boat or a boat with layers that makes welding certain props difficult. While welding is part of the boat-building process, it shouldn't take up a good portion of someone's boat because building it itself is what should be focused on. Regardless, I would like to see this idea implemented in Flood.

CounterCraftz commented 5 years ago

I was thinking moreover the accessibility in general but you've brought up a good point. To bring up another point related to your post, I think it would be a good idea for the gamemode to more open and encourage more freedom and creativity for players

I was kind of concerned considering my experiences that players would leave when their boats disappeared because they didn't have enough time to weld them