GMDevinity / Jailbreak

Issuetracker for Devinity Jailbreak
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Add punishments #3

Open Donkie opened 9 years ago

Donkie commented 9 years ago

There needs to be some kind of system where you can deliver punishments other than blasting a prisoners head off at slightest mistake.

Sync4k commented 9 years ago

Batons maybe.

bayrock commented 9 years ago

Warden and/or guards should have the ability or a SWEP that grants them the ability to grab and carry players in ragdoll form for an indefinite or temporary period of time.

It's important to prevent abuse of the power. Maybe only available during riots?

Donkie commented 9 years ago

That adds the issue of finding out if theres a riot. Perhaps have some big red button the warden can press that calls a riot, riot unlocks stuff: (perhaps lethal weapons is only allowed during riot?), drag swep, it also prevent things like games n stuff?

bayrock commented 9 years ago

The warden will already require some type of control panel for toggling PvP, placing objects, etc. The warden could potentially call for a riot within the panel.

Alternatively the riot idea could be overlooked and grabbing could be restricted to the warden. It could be abused but that will always be the case with Jailbreak. We will need to rely on Staff and player/VIP votes to help moderate warden/guard abuse.

AOBatch commented 8 years ago

Pushing the riot button could make flashing lights on the player's display or something, perhaps some flashing text or something saying "PRISONERS RETURN TO YOUR CELLS" or something