matlab interfaces for HELICS
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Seg fault on linux #3

Closed phlptp closed 2 years ago

phlptp commented 2 years ago
Running valueFedTests
            Segmentation violation detected at 2022-07-21 03:42:32 +0000

    Crash Decoding           : Disabled - No sandbox or build area path
    Crash Mode               : continue (default)
    Default Encoding         : UTF-8
    Deployed                 : false
    GNU C Library            : 2.31 stable
    Graphics Driver          : Uninitialized software 
    Graphics card 1          : 0x1414 ( 0x1414 ) 0x5353 Version (0-0-0)
    Java Version             : Java 1.8.0_202-b08 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode
    MATLAB Architecture      : glnxa64
    MATLAB Entitlement ID    : 6462965
    MATLAB Root              : /usr/local/MATLAB/R2022a
    MATLAB Version           : (R2022a)
    OpenGL                   : software
    Operating System         : Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
    Process ID               : 4215
    Processor ID             : x86 Family 6 Model 85 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
    Session Key              : 63e42630-25b9-40c1-8d5a-de729b595b84
    Window System            : No active display

  Fault Count: 1

  Abnormal termination:
  Segmentation violation

  Current Thread: 'MCR 0 interpret' id [13](

  Register State (from fault):
    RAX = 0000000000000000  RBX = 00007f19d8ad5de0
    RCX = 00007f19e423fc50  RDX = 00007f19b864ecf0
    RSP = 00007f19b6dcfc50  RBP = 00007f19b6dcfc50
    RSI = 00007f1a8d12d530  RDI = 00007f1a8d9d91a0

     R8 = 0000000000000001   R9 = 00000000000000ca
    R10 = 00007f19e44fe790  R11 = 00007f1a3c000080
    R12 = 00007f19b6dcfc60  R13 = 00007f19db5e062f
    R[14]( = 00007f19db5e0630  R[15]( = 00007f19b6dcfe40

    RIP = 00007f1a8d8a8187  EFL = 0000000000010206

     CS = 0033   FS = 0000   GS = 0000

  Stack Trace (from fault):
  [  0] 0x00007f1a8d8a8187   /usr/local/MATLAB/R2022a/bin/glnxa64/ _ZZSt9call_onceIMNSt13__future_base13_State_baseV2EFvPSt8functionIFSt10unique_ptrINS0_12_Result_baseENS4_8_DeleterEEvEEPbEJPS1_S9_SA_EEvRSt9once_flagOT_DpOT0_ENUlvE0_4_FUNEv+00000023
  [  1] 0x00007f1a8d12d4df              /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  [  2] 0x00007f19d8aa3666 /home/runner/work/matHELICS/matHELICS/Helics-3.2.1-Linux-x86_64/lib64/
  [  3] 0x00007f19d8ad562f /home/runner/work/matHELICS/matHELICS/Helics-3.2.1-Linux-x86_64/lib64/
  [  4] 0x00007f1a8d124609              /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  [  5] 0x00007f1a8ce59133                    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[17]([58]([59]( clone+000000[67](

This is going to be tricky to figure out.

phlptp commented 2 years ago

@nightlark any suggestions how we go about debugging this?

nightlark commented 2 years ago

Can you get a copy of MATLAB installed in a Linux VM or system that replicates the error? Maybe something with threading, or similar to the Python segfault when importing matplotlib in a different order?

phlptp commented 2 years ago

I don't think it is related to the python matplotlib stuff. I might try on the HPC systems see if that has a similar issue on those platforms.

phlptp commented 2 years ago

The build on the CI system is now passing. So that is a good sign, so the original source of the error is resolved.

phlptp commented 2 years ago

If anyone encounters this issue with a release newer than 3.3.0 please file a new issue