GMOD / Apollo

Genome annotation editor with a Java Server backend and a Javascript client that runs in a web browser as a JBrowse plugin.
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make GOLR server / URL configurable #148

Closed nathandunn closed 8 years ago

nathandunn commented 9 years ago
nathandunn commented 9 years ago

there are many servers and we may want to move to other servers eventually.

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

from Seth, other public URL's that could be used:

As a useful balanced point to get the data, but they seemed rather lukewarm about it with all of the other stuff that we're trying to do over there. Until it is sorted out, it may be better to pick one of the golr instances and depend on that (stanford should have better downtime numbers than us in this case).

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

tested and working

cmdcolin commented 9 years ago

I haven't been able to get this to work yet. Not sure why?

Also, I guess this is a template string that is filled in at compile/build time? I wouldn't want our configuration variables to proliferate like this too much.

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

Not all of the URL's that are available work. . . the idea is that it should just be easy to swap them out. That is a default set.

cmdcolin commented 9 years ago

Ya, I think I tried them all though, and couldn't get any to work?

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

This one doesn’t work (right now):

but the other two should:*,score&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.sort=count&*&qf=annotation_class%5E5&qf=annotation_class_label_searchable%5E5&qf=synonym_searchable%5E1&qf=alternate_id%5E1&json.wrf=jQuery17107463070501107723_1422917711324&_=1422917761144*,score&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.sort=count&*&qf=annotation_class^5&qf=annotation_class_label_searchable^5&qf=synonym_searchable^1&qf=alternate_id^1&json.wrf=jQuery17107463070501107723_1422917711324&_=1422917761144*,score&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.sort=count&*&qf=annotation_class%5E5&qf=annotation_class_label_searchable%5E5&qf=synonym_searchable%5E1&qf=alternate_id%5E1&json.wrf=jQuery17107463070501107723_1422917711324&_=1422917761144*,score&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.sort=count&*&qf=annotation_class^5&qf=annotation_class_label_searchable^5&qf=synonym_searchable^1&qf=alternate_id^1&json.wrf=jQuery17107463070501107723_1422917711324&_=1422917761144

as well as the original:*,score&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.sort=count&*&qf=annotation_class%5E5&qf=annotation_class_label_searchable%5E5&qf=synonym_searchable%5E1&qf=alternate_id%5E1&json.wrf=jQuery17107463070501107723_1422917711324&_=1422917761144

What error are you getting?


On Feb 2, 2015, at 2:54 PM, Colin Diesh wrote:

Ya, I think I tried them all though, and couldn't get any to work?

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cmdcolin commented 9 years ago

Basically I don't get any auto-completion on GO terms in the Information Editor.

Example: normally i click on the "Enter new Gene Ontology ID", then I hit "z", and then I wait for it to return something like "zinc binding", but this doesn't happen.

I tried using origin/master and checking out 1.0.3 and same results for both

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

I think that you need to type at least 3 letters. I can double-check with Seth, but that appears to work and for datasets this large, that is the way I would typically implement them.


On Feb 2, 2015, at 3:25 PM, Colin Diesh wrote:

Basically I don't get any auto-completion on GO terms in the Information Editor.

Example: normally i click on the "Enter new Gene Ontology ID", then I hit "z", and then I wait for it to return something like "zinc binding", but this doesn't happen.

I tried using origin/master and checking out 1.0.3 and same results for both

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cmdcolin commented 9 years ago

Oh for some reason I thought I could just hit 1 letter. Thanks for clarifying, seems to work after 3

cmdcolin commented 9 years ago

@deepakunni3 reports that it is not properly replacing the GOLR_URL in RC1 and I can't get it to do the replacement either

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

@deepakunni3 Can you let me know how you’re replacing them? i.e. step / by step


On Feb 16, 2015, at 12:50 PM, Colin Diesh wrote:

@deepakunni3 reports that it is not properly replacing the GOLR_URL in RC1 and I can't get it to do the replacement either

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deepakunni3 commented 9 years ago

@nathandunn I was testing out the 1.0.4 RC1 and while adding GO terms to a new annotation, there is no autocompletion. Checked further and saw that GET request to GOLR server has a 404 error and the request url has @GOLR_URL@ in it.

cmdcolin commented 9 years ago

I reverted a commit I did previously and it seems fixed now

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

@cmdcolin Ah . . should @deepakunni3 re-test?

cmdcolin commented 9 years ago

@nathandunn Actually no, it still doesn't seem to work. I don't understand what the deal is.

deepakunni3 commented 9 years ago

One observation, when I checkout from master branch, the GO autocompletion works fine. But it seems broken on 1.0.4 RC1.

cmdcolin commented 9 years ago

@deepakunni3 Are you sure about this? I am testing this off master and I cannot get it to work.

I propose a fix like this

diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index e257fe8..460a5b5 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -225,10 +225,10 @@

-    <target name="copy.apollo.plugin.webapp" unless="jbrowse.precompiled" if="jbrowse.webapp.installed"
+    <target name="copy.apollo.plugin.webapp" unless="jbrowse.precompiled" if="jbrowse.git.present"
             description="Copy client into webapp plugin directory.">
         <echo>copying plugin to webapp ...</echo>
-        <copy todir="${}/plugins/WebApollo" failonerror="true">
+        <copy todir="${}/plugins/WebApollo" failonerror="true">
             <fileset dir="${}"/>
                 <!--<filter token="GOLR_URL" value=""/>-->

Note that we are copying into the now (ie the git repo instead of the src/main/webapp/jbrowse).

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

@deepakunni3 @cmdcolin

I think that the issue is that it won't recopy unless A) the file isn't there or B) it hasn't been updated.

I am going to test a bit more. But if you have the RC1, @deepakunni3 you should confirm that it works in case B (touch client/apollo/js/View/Track/AnnotTrack.js and apollo deploy) and case A (./apollo clean-all ./apollo deploy). Using deploy or release should work the same, so whatever you'd been using should be fine.

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

Since there are changes between RC1 and 1.0.3 the update should be fine. I will continue testing against master on my end, though. I had reverted back to the 1.0.3 change for now as I think its the most robust depending on how the build is done and it seems to be working.

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

So the problem here is that now it copies into jbrowse-download from the client. However it does not copy from jbrowse-download into src/main/webapp . . . , so if changes are made to the client they don't get propagated properly. . . . ./apollo run and ./apollo deploy should be able to pick up any changes.

I'm going to mess with this a bit.

deepakunni3 commented 9 years ago

@nathandunn I tried with 1.0.4 RC1 and the GOLR_URL works for case B but not case A.

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

@deepakunni3 @cmdcolin As awesome an idea as this would be, configuring over the build for a system that is intermittently down just isn't making sense.

It should A) be in the config, not in the code (even the build code).
B) It should be somewhat configurable at runtime.
C) not be all that complicated.

I'm going to leave the other servers in the comments in the AnnotTrack.js so that folks can recompile as necessary.

A proxy (your other idea Colin) is a great idea as it solves A & C, however I'm a bit worried it introducing speed issues. I'm curious if we couldn't do a local GOLR lookup.

A third possibility would be to have a dedicated proxy server that handles backups. Probably not feasible in the short-term.

Anyway, I'm moving this into long-term.

Sorry for the additional work / hassle.

cmdcolin commented 9 years ago


cmdcolin commented 8 years ago

Technically it looks like we use the apollo server to proxy to ncbi entrez


This is used in similar contexts to the GOLR (information editor)

nathandunn commented 8 years ago

Right. This could / should be done in an identical fashion.


On Oct 16, 2015, at 11:59 AM, Colin Diesh wrote:

Technically it looks like we use the apollo server to proxy to ncbi entrez


This is used in similar contexts to the GOLR (information editor)

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nathandunn commented 8 years ago

Are you wanting to do this one instead of the faceted track list? I think this will be important for https so might be worth spending a couple of hours fixing.


On Oct 16, 2015, at 11:59 AM, Colin Diesh wrote:

Technically it looks like we use the apollo server to proxy to ncbi entrez


This is used in similar contexts to the GOLR (information editor)

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nathandunn commented 8 years ago

On the branch golr_config

Getting this issue:

Failure:  Test the save action correctly persists an instance(org.bbop.apollo.ProxyControllerSpec)
|  grails.validation.ValidationException: Validation error occurred during call to save():
- Field error in object 'org.bbop.apollo.Proxy' on field 'referenceUrl': rejected value [null]; codes [,org.bbop.apollo.Proxy.referenceUrl.nullable.error.referenceUrl,,org.bbop.apollo.Proxy.referenceUrl.nullable.error,,proxy.referenceUrl.nullable.error.referenceUrl,,proxy.referenceUrl.nullable.error,,org.bbop.apollo.Proxy.referenceUrl.nullable.referenceUrl,,org.bbop.apollo.Proxy.referenceUrl.nullable,,proxy.referenceUrl.nullable.referenceUrl,,proxy.referenceUrl.nullable,,nullable.referenceUrl,,nullable]; arguments [referenceUrl,class org.bbop.apollo.Proxy]; default message [Property [{0}] of class [{1}] cannot be null]
- Field error in object 'org.bbop.apollo.Proxy' on field 'targetUrl': rejected value [null]; codes [,org.bbop.apollo.Proxy.targetUrl.nullable.error.targetUrl,,org.bbop.apollo.Proxy.targetUrl.nullable.error,,proxy.targetUrl.nullable.error.targetUrl,,proxy.targetUrl.nullable.error,,org.bbop.apollo.Proxy.targetUrl.nullable.targetUrl,,org.bbop.apollo.Proxy.targetUrl.nullable,,proxy.targetUrl.nullable.targetUrl,,proxy.targetUrl.nullable,,nullable.targetUrl,,nullable]; arguments [targetUrl,class org.bbop.apollo.Proxy]; default message [Property [{0}] of class [{1}] cannot be null]
    at org.grails.datastore.gorm.GormInstanceApi.doSave(GormInstanceApi.groovy:182)
    at org.grails.datastore.gorm.GormInstanceApi.save_closure5(GormInstanceApi.groovy:162)
cmdcolin commented 8 years ago

Note that we do not want to support "arbitrary proxying"

i.e. we don't want something that can say "" to forward a request to google.

That type of setup allows hackers to bounce malicious requests through your server

I was surprised to see code that looks like this here

Instead the server side to allow a limited number of URL options, as the NcbiProxyController was doing originally

cmdcolin commented 8 years ago

Do appreciate the work on this though :) I just think it should come from simple server side config variables than allowing the client to do it

nathandunn commented 8 years ago

You're right . . an unregistered proxy should fail. I think I need to bootstrap the proper ones and go from there.

nathandunn commented 8 years ago

Also the seed for #606.

nathandunn commented 8 years ago

To test:

monicacecilia commented 8 years ago

I confirm that GOLR lookup is working as expected. However, see what happens when adding new GO terms at #627

mpoelchau commented 8 years ago

Sorry to chime in late on this conversation - but is the URL deprecated now? It's not working on our WA1 instances, nor does it appear to be on Looks like it is on your staging site, but that's where the proxy is set up. Any advice would be appreciated!

nathandunn commented 8 years ago

You are correct.

In 2.0.1 it automatically uses a database configurable proxy (with interface!) and has the proper default set.

If you are using 1.0 you need to switch it to this in AnnoTrack.js:

I’ll make an announcement for 2.0.0 and show how to change it.


On Nov 19, 2015, at 7:45 AM, mpoelchau wrote:

Sorry to chime in late on this conversation - but is the URL deprecated now? It's not working on our WA1 instances, nor does it appear to be on Looks like it is on your staging site, but that's where the proxy is set up. Any advice would be appreciated!

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childers commented 8 years ago

Is the ssl version supported too? It shows unable to connect:

Can we get native ssl support for your GOLR server?

Thanks! Chris

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Nathan Dunn wrote:

You are correct.

In 2.0.1 it automatically uses a database configurable proxy (with interface!) and has the proper default set.

If you are using 1.0 you need to switch it to this in AnnoTrack.js:

I’ll make an announcement for 2.0.0 and show how to change it.


On Nov 19, 2015, at 7:45 AM, mpoelchau wrote:

Sorry to chime in late on this conversation - but is the URL deprecated now? It's not working on our WA1 instances, nor does it appear to be on Looks like it is on your staging site, but that's where the proxy is set up. Any advice would be appreciated!

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nathandunn commented 8 years ago

So . . part of the reason for the proxy (in 2.0.X) is that the Apollo server can run in https, but the connectivity is in http.

I asked about getting the golr server to use https and the answer was that it will happen at some time, but nothing immediate.


On Nov 19, 2015, at 9:06 AM, childers wrote:

Is the ssl version supported too? It shows unable to connect:

Can we get native ssl support for your GOLR server?

Thanks! Chris

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Nathan Dunn wrote:

You are correct.

In 2.0.1 it automatically uses a database configurable proxy (with interface!) and has the proper default set.

If you are using 1.0 you need to switch it to this in AnnoTrack.js:

I’ll make an announcement for 2.0.0 and show how to change it.


On Nov 19, 2015, at 7:45 AM, mpoelchau wrote:

Sorry to chime in late on this conversation - but is the URL deprecated now? It's not working on our WA1 instances, nor does it appear to be on Looks like it is on your staging site, but that's where the proxy is set up. Any advice would be appreciated!

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mpoelchau commented 8 years ago

Great, thanks, the new URL works!

Do you know for how long the previous URL has not been functioning? We may need to go back and inform our annotators that their GO and PubMed information hasn’t been saving, and it would be helpful to have a time frame.



Monica Poelchau, Ph.D. USDA-ARS National Agricultural Library 10301 Baltimore Ave, Beltsville, MD 20705

From: Nathan Dunn<> Reply-To: GMOD/Apollo<> Date: Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 9:50 AM To: GMOD/Apollo<> Cc: Monica Poelchau<> Subject: Re: [Apollo] make GOLR server / URL configurable (#148)

You are correct.

In 2.0.1 it automatically uses a database configurable proxy (with interface!) and has the proper default set.

If you are using 1.0 you need to switch it to this in AnnoTrack.js:

I’ll make an announcement for 2.0.0 and show how to change it.


On Nov 19, 2015, at 7:45 AM, mpoelchau<> wrote:

Sorry to chime in late on this conversation - but is the URL deprecated now? It's not working on our WA1 instances, nor does it appear to be on Looks like it is on your staging site, but that's where the proxy is set up. Any advice would be appreciated!

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nathandunn commented 8 years ago

It should be saving just fine. Just the lookups wouldn’t have worked (so they couldn’t annotate it).


On Nov 19, 2015, at 11:11 AM, mpoelchau wrote:

Great, thanks, the new URL works!

Do you know for how long the previous URL has not been functioning? We may need to go back and inform our annotators that their GO and PubMed information hasn’t been saving, and it would be helpful to have a time frame.



Monica Poelchau, Ph.D. USDA-ARS National Agricultural Library 10301 Baltimore Ave, Beltsville, MD 20705

From: Nathan Dunn<> Reply-To: GMOD/Apollo<> Date: Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 9:50 AM To: GMOD/Apollo<> Cc: Monica Poelchau<> Subject: Re: [Apollo] make GOLR server / URL configurable (#148)

You are correct.

In 2.0.1 it automatically uses a database configurable proxy (with interface!) and has the proper default set.

If you are using 1.0 you need to switch it to this in AnnoTrack.js:

I’ll make an announcement for 2.0.0 and show how to change it.


On Nov 19, 2015, at 7:45 AM, mpoelchau<> wrote:

Sorry to chime in late on this conversation - but is the URL deprecated now? It's not working on our WA1 instances, nor does it appear to be on Looks like it is on your staging site, but that's where the proxy is set up. Any advice would be appreciated!

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nathandunn commented 8 years ago

from @kltm . . .

The first two are "forever" URLs, with the first being the "production" one and the second being a special use one (failback, some experiments, etc.). The last one there is functional for the time being, but is on notice--it should be replaced in all code going forward with the first (this has been harmonized with production, so we should be good in the future during outages and the like). At a future date, the third should be purged at version EOL

nathandunn commented 8 years ago

To Test:

monicacecilia commented 8 years ago
